001    /**
002     * This is part of HW2: Environment Setup and Java Introduction for CSE 331.
003     */
004    package hw2;
006    /**
007     * HelloWorld is an implementation of the token
008     * introductory "Hello World" program.
009     *
010     * HelloWorld is also the superclass for other classes in this package.
011     */
012    public class HelloWorld {
014        /** the greeting to display when this getGreeting() is invoked */
015        static final String greeting = "Hello World!";
017        /**
018         * @effects prints the string "Hello World!" to the console
019         */
020        public static void main(String[] args) {
021            HelloWorld myFirstHW = new HelloWorld();
022            System.out.println(myFirstHW.getGreeting());
023        }
025        /**
026         @return Returns a greeting (in English).
027         */
028        public String getGreeting() {
029            return greeting;
030        }
032    }