package rps.model; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Observable; /** * A Game object represents a series of rounds of play of Rock-Paper-Scissors. * This class implements the Observable and Singleton design patterns. * Observers can be attached to be notified about changes to the game state. * Today's version has load and save methods to make it possible to save the * state of history of games in progress when the program starts and stops. * @author Marty Stepp * @version CSE 331 Spring 2011, 5/2/2011 */ public class Game extends Observable implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1; /** * Loads a game from the given file name using serialization. * @return the game object loaded, or a default new game if no game exists * in the file * @throws Exception if an error occurs during the serialization process */ public static Game load(String filename) { try { FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(filename); ObjectInputStream obj = new ObjectInputStream(file); Game game = (Game) obj.readObject(); return game; } catch (Exception e) { return new Game(); } } // fields private Weapon weapon1; // player 1's weapon in last game round private Weapon weapon2; // player 2's weapon in last game round private RPSStrategy p1strat; private RPSStrategy p2strat; private int wins; private List history; /** * Constructs a new game with default random strategies. */ public Game() { history = new ArrayList(); setPlayer1Strategy(new RandomStrategy()); setPlayer2Strategy(new RandomStrategy()); } /** * Returns a list of strings representing all past matches, of the form * "ROCK vs. PAPER". * @return list of all past matches; initially an empty list */ public List getHistory() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(history); } /** * Returns the weapon used by player 1 in this game. * @return player 1's weapon, or null if no games have been played */ public Weapon getWeapon1() { return weapon1; } /** * Returns the weapon used by player 2 in this game. * @return player 2's weapon, or null if no games have been played */ public Weapon getWeapon2() { return weapon2; } /** * Returns the number of games the first player has won. * @return Player 1's wins (initially 0) */ public int getWins() { return wins; } /** * Plays a new round, drawing random weapons for both players. * Also notifies any observers of the change in state of this game. * @modifies this */ public void playRound() { weapon1 = p1strat.chooseWeapon(); weapon2 = p2strat.chooseWeapon(); if (winner() == 1) { wins++; } history.add(weapon1 + " vs. " + weapon2); setChanged(); notifyObservers(); } /** * Saves the state of this game to the given file using serialization. * @param filename name of file to save to * @throws Exception if any error occurs during the serialization process */ public void save(String filename) throws Exception { FileOutputStream file = new FileOutputStream(filename); ObjectOutputStream obj = new ObjectOutputStream(file); obj.writeObject(this); obj.close(); } /** * Sets player 1 to use the given strategy. * @param strat the strategy to use */ public void setPlayer1Strategy(RPSStrategy strat) { if (p1strat != null) { deleteObserver(p1strat); } p1strat = strat; addObserver(p1strat); } /** * Sets player 2 to use the given strategy. * @param strat the strategy to use */ public void setPlayer2Strategy(RPSStrategy strat) { if (p2strat != null) { deleteObserver(p2strat); } p2strat = strat; addObserver(p2strat); } /** * Returns an integer representing which player won the most recent * round that was played. * @return 1 if player 1 won, 2 if player 2 won, or 0 for a tie. */ public int winner() { if (weapon1 == weapon2) { return 0; } else if (weapon1.defeats(weapon2)) { return 1; } else { // weapon2.defeats(weapon1) return 2; } } }