

Ranks are assigned by first running each test suite against known-correct solutions in order to identify incorrect tests. With incorrect tests eliminated, each test suite is run against all other students' code and ranked according to how many bugs it finds. Test suites with no incorrect tests rank first, followed by test suites with some number of incorrect tests.

Points earned
(out of 15)
% incorrect testsbugs found in
fellow students'
code (%)
% fellow students whose
correct tests found
bugs in this code
Staffall tests correctfound bugs in 59%0%
1. PAL-GIN15points all tests correct found bugs in 50% 0%
2. NODE-BANG14points all tests correct found bugs in 47% 0%
3b. SEEK-HIDE13points all tests correct found bugs in 44% 0%
3a. HAS-DAWN13points all tests correct found bugs in 44% 0%
3c. MIST-BARD13points all tests correct found bugs in 44% 0%
4b. NIB-ADEN12points all tests correct found bugs in 41% 0%
4e. RIG-TURF12points all tests correct found bugs in 41% 0%
4f. FED-TUBA12points all tests correct found bugs in 41% 0%
4c. FUND-LA12points all tests correct found bugs in 41% 16%
4a. MOT-DIAL12points all tests correct found bugs in 41% 16%
4d. HEED-AJAR12points all tests correct found bugs in 41% 41%
5a. HIGH-ABET11points all tests correct found bugs in 34% 0%
5b. GETS-FORD11points all tests correct found bugs in 34% 0%
6. SUB-SHAY10points all tests correct found bugs in 31% 53%
7a. RING-DOUG 9points 40%bad tests found bugs in 47% 41%
7b. BATE-MUM 9points all tests correct found bugs in 28% 53%
8b. CHAD-SALT 8points 67%bad tests found bugs in 44% 9%
8c. SKIM-FORT 8points 14%bad tests found bugs in 44% 0%
8a. GOAT-DANK 8points all tests correct found bugs in 19% 75%
9. BAH-BLOW 6points 43%bad tests found bugs in 34% 0%
10b. FIR-CURL 5points 50%bad tests found bugs in 31% 0%
10a. SLOB-SHIM 5points 67%bad tests found bugs in 31% 0%
11. DEAF-CON 3points 67%bad tests found bugs in 19% 78%
12. CLAM-SLAY 2points 50%bad tests found bugs in 16% 6%
13. WIND-LA 1points 50%bad tests found bugs in 12% 78%
14a. SANG-BARK 0points 100%bad tests found bugs in 0% 25%
14c. ROE-AHOY 0points 100%bad tests found bugs in 0% 66%
14e. SEE-QUOD 0points 100%bad tests found bugs in 0% 72%
14f. COED-OLIN 0points 43%bad tests found bugs in 0% 78%
14b. ALAN-HARK 0points 100%bad tests found bugs in 0% 66%
14d. HEED-SELL 0points 100%bad tests found bugs in 0% 72%
14g. LESK-NOAH 0points 100%bad tests found bugs in 0% 53%

Coder-vs-Tester tabular results

Ranks in the column headings (labeled "CODERS") are colored red if the indicated student has failed some staff tests. Ranks in the row headings (labeled "TESTERS") are colored red if the indicated student had some incorrect tests (ie, tests which failed when run on the staff solutions).

A red X in a grid box indicates that at least one of the correct tests in the TESTER's test suite had some failures when running against the implementation of the CODER: this could indicate either a faulty test or faulty code.

1 2 3b 3a 3c 4b 4e 4f 4c 4a 4d 5a 5b 6 7a 7b 8b 8c 8a 9 10b 10a 11 12 13 14a 14c 14e 14f 14b 14d 14g
1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
3b X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
3a X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
3c X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
4b X X X X X X X X X X X X X
4e X X X X X X X X X X X X X
4f X X X X X X X X X X X X X
4c X X X X X X X X X X X X X
4a X X X X X X X X X X X X X
4d X X X X X X X X X X X X X
5a X X X X X X X X X X X
5b X X X X X X X X X X X
6 X X X X X X X X X X
7a X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
7b X X X X X X X X X
8b X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
8c X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
8a X X X X X X
9 X X X X X X X X X X X
10b X X X X X X X X X X
10a X X X X X X X X X X
11 X X X X X X
12 X X X X X
13 X X X X

Per-student test suite details

Test suite of ALAN-HARK (rank 14b)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of BAH-BLOW (rank 9)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of BATE-MUM (rank 7b)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of CHAD-SALT (rank 8b)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of CLAM-SLAY (rank 12)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of COED-OLIN (rank 14f)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of DEAF-CON (rank 11)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of FED-TUBA (rank 4f)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of FIR-CURL (rank 10b)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of FUND-LA (rank 4c)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of GETS-FORD (rank 5b)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of GOAT-DANK (rank 8a)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of HAS-DAWN (rank 3a)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of HEED-AJAR (rank 4d)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of HEED-SELL (rank 14d)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of HIGH-ABET (rank 5a)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of LESK-NOAH (rank 14g)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of MIST-BARD (rank 3c)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of MOT-DIAL (rank 4a)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of NIB-ADEN (rank 4b)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of NODE-BANG (rank 2)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of PAL-GIN (rank 1)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of RIG-TURF (rank 4e)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of RING-DOUG (rank 7a)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of ROE-AHOY (rank 14c)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of SANG-BARK (rank 14a)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of SEE-QUOD (rank 14e)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of SEEK-HIDE (rank 3b)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of SKIM-FORT (rank 8c)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of SLOB-SHIM (rank 10a)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of SUB-SHAY (rank 6)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests

Test suite of WIND-LA (rank 13)

Correct Tests

Incorrect Tests