
Reasoning About Data Abstraction Implementations - Preserving the Rep Invariant

As we have seen, Abstract Data Types (ADT's) are a powerful tool for deferring decisions about data structures until they are fully understood. At some point, however, the ADT must be implemented, and the correctness of the implementation must be evaluated. Two useful tools for evaluating this correctness are abstraction functions, and rep invariants. The focus of this discussion will be on rep invariants, and ensuring correctness by preserving rep invariants.

Reasoning about correctness of implementation of individual methods is relatively straightforward. The steps are:

Reasoning about correctness of implementation of an ADT is trickier because you have to consider the entire class, not just individual methods.

An important part of showing that an ADT is implemented correctly is showing that the rep invariant holds for all objects of the class. This is accomplished as follows:

Consider the problem of representing sets of integers. A set requires no repeating elements, so {1 2 3} is a set of integers, and {1 2 2 3} is not. Consider the following IntSet example implementation.

public class IntSet {
  // OVERVIEW:  IntSets are unbounded, mutable sets of integers

  // The rep invariant is
  // c.els != null &&
  // for all integers i . 0 ≤ i < c.els.size ⇒ c.els[i] is not null &&
  // for all integers i, j . (0 ≤ i < j < c.els.size ⇒
  //   c.els[i].intValue != c.els[j].intValue)

  private ArrayList<Integer> els;

  // constructors
  public IntSet () {
    // @effects:  Initializes this to be empty.
    els = new ArrayList<Integer>();

  // mutators
  public void insert (int x) {
    // @modifies: this
    // @effects:  Adds x to the elements of this.
    if (getIndex(x) < 0) els.add(x);

  // observers
  public int size () {
    // @effects:  Returns the cardinality of this.
    return els.size();

  // private methods
  private int getIndex (Integer x) {
    // @effects:  If x is in this, returns index where x appears, else returns -1
    for (int i =0; i<els.size(); i++)
      if (x.equals(els.get(i))) return i;
    return -1;

The rep invariant states that els must not be null, that the elements of els are not null, and that this is a set (values of elements are unique in the set).

Does this implementation preserve the rep invariant?
The constructor allocates a new empty ArrayList for els, so the rep invariant holds for the object returned by the constructor. The observer, size, does not modify the object, so the rep invariant is preserved for this method. Finally, the mutator, insert, checks to see if the integer to be added is already represented in the set. If it is, it does nothing, so the rep invariant is preserved in this case. If it isn't, it uses the add method, which increments size, so the rep invariant is preserved for this case also. Therefore, the answer is yes.

Suppose now that the following method is added.

public boolean isIn (int x) {
  // @effects:  Returns true if x is in this else returns false
  return getIndex(x) ≥ 0;
Does this preserve the rep invariant?
Yes, it does not modify this.

Suppose now that the following method is added.

public List<Integer> allEls() {
  // @effects:  Returns a list containing the elements of this, each exactly once,
  //     in arbitrary order.
  return els;

Does this preserve the rep invariant?
No, because it exposes the rep. Because the els ArrayList, which is a member of this, is returned, the calling method can mutate els directly. For example, it might insert an element for an integer that is already in the set.

One way to avoid this is to return a copy of els. Another is to return an unmodifiable collection. Another way, which is possibly more elegant, is to return an iterator instead of a collection, as in the following implementation.

public Iterator<Integer> allEls() {
  // @effects:  Returns an iterator for the elements of this.
  return els.iterator();

The calling application code can then access all the elements via the iterator, but it can't add elements to els directly, so it cannot break the rep invariant.

Note that in certain cases, iterators for collections allow removal of elements. One can argue that this, in some sense, exposes the rep. In this case, however, it does not expose it enough to break the rep invariant. As an alternative, one could define a separate iterator that does not allow removal.

Note also that Integer is an immutable class. This is important here because if it weren't (if it were possible to mutate the value), the rep would be exposed in a way that would allow the calling code to change the value, and possibly violate the rep invariant.

Suppose that the following method were added to IntSet.

  public void quickInsert (int x) {
    // @modifies: this
    // @effects:  Adds x to the elements of this.
Does this preserve the rep invariant?
No. It potentially violates the invariant that the values of the elements be unique.

Reasoning About Code

Given a pre-condition, P, a post-condition, Q, and a sequence of code statements S, correctness is expressed as:

P {S} Q

Total correctness means that if P is true before starting S, S will terminate cleanly in a state satisfying Q. Partial correctness is slightly weaker in that it does not guarantee that S will terminate cleanly. However, if S does terminate cleanly, then the post-state will satisfy Q. Partial correctness is not as good as total correctness, but it is still extremely useful in that it guarantees either a correct outcome, or an outcome that is obviously wrong (an incorrect result will not be mistaken for a correct one).

Weakest Precondition

Weakest precondition, expressed as

is the weakest predicate derived from the precondition such that

wp(S,Q) {S} Q

holds. Then, to show

P {S} Q

it is merely necessary to show that

P ⇒ wp(S,Q)

This technique is used to algorithmically convert assertions about programs to logic. Suppose S is a simple assignment statement: x = e.

Then wp(S,Q) is Q with all (free) references to x replaced by e.

Suppose S is x = Math.pow(x,y), and Q is x > 0. Suppose that P is x is even, y is odd. Is the program correct?
No. wp(S,Q) = xy > 0
But if y is odd, and x is less than 0 (-2, for example), the weakest precondition does not hold. In this case, P does not imply wp(S,Q).

Consider the case where S consists of more than one statement (two, for example). The weakest predicate is now
wp(S1; S2, Q) = wp(S1, wp(S2, Q))
This just says that the weakest pre-condition for S2 becomes the post-condition for S1.

Suppose S1 is x = Math.pow(x,y), S2 is x = Math.pow(x,y), and Q is x ≥ 0. Suppose that P is x is even, y is odd. Is the program correct?
wp(S1, wp(S2,Q)) = (xy)y ≥ 0
We know that (xy)y = x(y2). If y is odd, then y2 is odd. So if x is negative and y is odd, then the boolean expression will not hold. Therefore, the weakest precondition is not implied by the predicate given.

Consider the case where S is an if statement. The weakest predicate is:
wp(if b S1 else S2, Q) = (b ⇒ wp(S1, Q)) & (!b ⇒ wp(S2, Q))
This just says that the weakest precondition corresponds to the one for S1 if b is true, and the one for S2 if b is false.

Suppose the statement is:
if (x > 3) {
  x = Math.pow((x - 3),y)
} else {
  x = Math.pow(x,y)
and suppose that Q is x > 0. Suppose that P is x > 0, y is even. Is the program correct?
wp(S,Q) = (x > 3) ⇒ (x - 3)y > 0 & !(x > 3) ⇒ xy > 0
Given P, this is always true.

Loop Invariants

Loop statements: P {while b S} Q

Loops are difficult to evaluate for correctness because they represent an unknown number of paths. Partial correctness can be proven using loop invariants.

Find an invariant I such that:
  P ⇒ I
  I & b {S} I
  (I & !b) ⇒ Q
This just says that the pre-condition must imply the invariant, the invariant must hold while the loop condition is true, and Q must hold when the loop terminates.
Suppose the loop statement is:
while (x > y) {
  y = y + 1
and suppose that Q is y > 3. Suppose that P is x > 5, y < 2. Is the program correct assuming that the loop terminates?
Yes. A suitable invariant, I, is that y plus the number of iterations remaining is greater than 3. This can be expressed as:
I   =   (y + (x - y) > 3)
    =   (x > 3)
Thus, the invariant becomes trivial, and the above conditions are all satisfied.

Proving that the loop terminates can be accomplished using a decrementing function. The decrementing function, combined with the loop invariant allows for total correctness proofs of loop statements.

An example of a decrementing function can be found in proving termination for the Euclidean gcd algorithm, as seen in ps1.RatNum.

int gcd(int a, int b) {
    int x = a;
    int y = b;
    while (y != 0) {
        int r = x % y;
    x = y;
    y = r;
    return x;
What is an appropriate decrementing function we can use to show that this while-loop terminates?
"y" works. You can probably think of others. (If you're wondering, an appropriate loop invariant for this example is GCD(a,b) == GCD(x,y))