001    package ps6.tigerdb;
003    import java.io.Serializable;
005    import ps2.GeoPoint;
007    /**
008     * TigerRecord.java
009     *
010     * @author Felix S. Klock II
011     */
013    public class TigerRecord implements Serializable {
014        public static final long serialVersionUID = 4534;
015        protected static GeoPoint makeGP(int lng, int lat) {
016            GeoPoint gp = new GeoPoint(lat, lng);
017            return gp;
018        }
020        /** Special ctor to work around predefined record length (Record
021         * Type C seems to be flawed.
022         */
023        public TigerRecord() { }
025        public TigerRecord(String s, int recordSize) {
026            if (s.length() != recordSize)
027                die("length must be "+recordSize+
028                    ", not "+s.length());
029        }
031        protected void die(String reason) {throw new RuntimeException(reason);}
033        /** Parses `s' as an int, with the following additions to the
034         *  standard Integer.parseInt() method:
035         *  1. White space around `s' is allowed (and ignored)
036         *  2. If s is an empty string after trimming, throws NoInt
037         *  3. The number may be prefixed by a '+' character.
038         *  4. If s is contains non-numeric data, throws NonNumericDataException
039         */
040        protected int toInt(String s) throws NoInt, NonNumericDataException {
041            s = s.trim();
042            if (s.length() == 0) throw new NoInt();
043            if (s.charAt(0) == '+') {
044                s = s.substring(1);
045            }
046            try {
047                return Integer.parseInt(s);
048            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
049                throw new NonNumericDataException(s);
050            }
051        }
053        protected static class NoInt extends Throwable {
054            public static final long serialVersionUID = 4534;
055        }
057        public DirectedStreetNumberRange
058            parseAddrRange(String frStr, String toStr) throws BadRecordException {
060            try {
061                int fraddl = toInt(frStr);
062                int toaddl = toInt(toStr);
063                if ((fraddl % 2) != (toaddl % 2))
064                    throw new BadRecordException
065                        ("bad left address ["+fraddl+","+toaddl+"]",frStr+toStr);
066                int low =  Math.min(fraddl, toaddl);
067                int high = Math.max(fraddl, toaddl);
069                boolean b = (fraddl < toaddl);
070                IntSet s = new IntSet(low, high);
071                return new DirectedStreetNumberRange(s, b);
072            } catch (NoInt e) {
073                return new DirectedStreetNumberRange();
074            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
075                throw new NonNumericDataException(frStr+","+toStr);
076            }
077        }
080    } // TigerRecord