CSE 326: Data Structures
Assignment #5
May 14, 1999
Due: Friday, May 21
Reading Assignment: Weiss, Sections 6.1- 6.4, 7.5, 9.1- 9.3, 9.6.1
- Suppose the following actions are taken in the following
- A set S of n keys and another key k \not Î S are selected
by an adversary.
- A hash function h is selected uniformly at random
from a universal class of hash functions H.
- The keys in S are hashed to a hash table of size m using
the hash function h, where separate chaining is used as the collision
resolution strategy.
- A lookup on the key k is performed.
What is the expected cost for the (unsuccessful) lookup of key k?
Prove your answer.
- Show the heaps that result from inserting 6,5,2,4,7,1 and then 3
into an initially empty heap.
- Show the heaps that result from three successive DeleteMins
on the heap resulting from part (a).
- Suppose that H1 and H2 are two heaps of size n1 and n2, that
n1 ³ n2, and that every element of H2 is greater than every element
of H1. Show how to merge H1 and H2 into a single heap in time
O(n2), assuming that the array storing the heap H1 has room
in it for n1 + n2 elements. Give an algorithm that performs the
minimum possible number of key comparisons.
- Why is the condition n1 ³ n2 needed, and how quickly
can the heaps be merged if this condition is violated?
- (Extra Credit)
Heaps permit one to find the minimum element in constant time,
to insert an item in O(logn) time, and to delete an element
(given its index in the array) in O(logn) time.
Explain how to modify the heap data structure and algorithms
to provide an implementation of a double-ended priority
queue with the following characteristics: the data structure
can be constructed in O(n) time, a key
can be inserted or deleted (given its index) in O(logn)
time and either the minimum or the maximum can be
found in constant time. (Hint: Arrange the keys so that each
node at even depth has key value greater that
that of any of its descendents, and each node at odd depth
has key value less than any of its descendents. This
data structure is called a min-max heap.
- Prove that if the Breadth-First-Search algorithm starting
at v visits vertex w1 before vertex w2, then the
distance from v to w1 is less than or
equal to the distance from v to w2.
- Describe a graph on n vertices and a particular starting
vertex v such that during a breadth-first search starting from
v, Q(n) nodes are simultaneously in the queue.
- Describe a graph on n vertices and a particular starting
vertex v, such that during a depth-first search starting from v
Q(n) nodes are simultaneously in the state of having
started but not completed the execution of the RecursiveDFS starting
at that node.
- Describe a graph on n vertices and a particular starting
vertex v, such that during a depth-first search starting
from v, there is a time when Q(n) nodes have not
yet been encountered, while Q(n) nodes have completed
the execution of the RecursiveDFS starting at that node.
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On 17 May 1999, 03:22.