CSE 326: Data Structures
Assignment #3
April 21, 1999
Due: Wednesday, April 28
Reading Assignment: Weiss, Chapter 4, plus handout on splay trees.
(Note that the some web browsers do not display mathematical
equations correctly. If you have problems, you should consult
the postscript version of this homework.)
- Weiss, p. 171, problem 4.6.
- Show the AVL tree that results from inserting the keys
186, 39, 991, 336, 778, 66, 564, 154, 538 and 645 into
an initially empty tree. Show the intermediate AVL trees
after each insertion.
- Weiss, p. 173, problem 4.27. Show the splay tree after each
- Weiss, p. 173, problem 4.28.
- Describe how to implement nonlazy deletion
in an AVL tree in O(logn) time, where n is the number
of nodes in the tree. Give both a high-level description
and pseudocode for your deletion algorithm.
You may use the single rotation subroutines as black boxes.
(e.g., rotateWithLeftChild and rotateWithRightChild from
the book).
- AVL trees are often used to implement
Set ADTs. Consider the abstract operation Union(S,T), one of
the operations that might be useful in an application
involving sets. Union(S,T) is the operation which,
given two sets S and T, returns the set SÈT, that is,
the set consisting of every x that is a member of either set S
or set T or both. Describe an implementation of Union(S,T)
where S, T and the result SÈT are represented
as AVL trees, that runs in time O(|S| + |T|).
Hint: Show that, given a set of n sorted keys, a perfectly
balanced binary search tree (i.e., all levels in the tree are
full except for perhaps the bottom-most level) can be constructed
in time O(n).
- Extra Credit: Consider the special case of Union(S,T),
where every key in S is less than every key in T.
(This is the Concat(S,T) operation we discussed in class.)
Show that if S and T are implemented as AVL trees,
then Concat(S,T) can be performed in time
O(log|S| + log|T|).
- Weiss, p. 175, problem 4.46, part a. You can assume that
the trees are binary and that there are no duplicate values.
- Extra Credit: Weiss, p. 175, problem 4.46, part b.
Prove that the running time of your algorithm is linear
in the worst case.
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On 21 Apr 1999, 01:22.