CSE 326, Spring 1998: Homework 3
Due 4/17/98
When asked to design an algorithm please provide the pseudocode with enough
explanation that it can be understood easily.
- (15 points)
Consider the following general recurrence T(1) <= d and T(n) <= aT(n/b) + cn
for a time bound.
Show that:
If a < b then T(n) = O(n).
If a = b then T(n) = O(n log n).
If a > b then T(n) = O(n^{log_b a}) (n to the power log base b of a).
You may assume that n is a power of b in your argument. A very good
argument would determine the constants and low order
terms hidden in the big O notation, and
show the bound by induction on n.
- (15 points)
It is often handy to store a tree in a file. Assume each node in the
tree contains an alphabetic character.
In this case we may store a tree by inserting
parentheses appropriately while doing a preorder traversal.
The general idea is that a node is followed
by the list of its children surrounded by parentheses. For example:
/ | \
b c d
/ / | \
e f g h
is stored as the file "a ( b ( e ) c d ( f g h ) )" where spaces
indicate newlines. We call this the preorder file format.
Design an algorithm which outputs the preorder file format of a tree
given a pointer to the root of the tree. Assume the tree
has nodes with fields "data", "first_child", and "next_sibling".
Design another algorithm which takes a preorder file format of a tree
and produces the tree. You can assume there is an end of file marker at the
end of the file. This algorithm can be done rather elegantly using
- Is there a similar file format based on postorder traversal? If
not why not. If so, then explain how to modify the algorithm for producing
the tree from the preorder file format to an algorithm for producing the
tree from the postorder file format.