CSE 326, Spring 1995, Class Messages

Welcome to CSE 326! We'll use this page to make all sorts of announcements about the class, homework corrections and clarifications, etc. Check it often!

The Question and Answer Session will be on Tuesday, 10:30 - noon, in Sieg 226. I will hold special office hours on Monday 10:30 - 11:20 and Tuesday 1:30 - 2:20.

It would be helpful if you would read 8.1,8.2, and 8.3 pages 297-303 before Wednesday. In suggested reading I will put all the sections that will be covered on the exam.

Homework 9 is outside my door. I will also pass it out on Friday.

My graduate student made a mistake in his Pentium code. The Pentium is right in there with the Sparc, Alpha, and Power PC. More tomorrow.

Dan will office hours tomorrow, Tuesday, May 23rd at 12:30 - 1:30. He did not have an office hour today.

For the rest of the quarter I cannot make my usual 2:30 - 3:00 office hour on Fridays. Instead I will be in my office from 12:30 to 1:30 on Fridays starting today.

I cannot make my normal office hour today from 11 to 12 am. I will have an office hour from 12:30 - 1:30 today instead. R.L.

A new version of the thumbnails for lecture 20 were handed out in class today. There are extras outside my door.

The Question and Answer Session will be in Sieg 226 at 3:30 today, Wednesday.

I will not be in my office hour on Friday, April 28, from 2:30 - 3:30. There will be a special question and answer session on Wednesday, May 3, at 3:30 in preparation for the exam on Friday the 5th.

I will not be in my office hours on Friday from 2:30 to 3:30. RL

There will a special C++ session in Sieg 226 on Monday, April 10th from 3:30 - 4:20. Dan will lead the session. Please be prepared with questions.

At least one student pointed out to me that the in the fourth part of problem 2 in homework 2, the result of multiplying two matrices is a matrix not a vector.

I am happy to let you know that the two books I put on reserve in the Engineering Library are ready. Their call numbers are PC 1093 (for Headington and Riley) and PC 1094 (for Weiss in ADA). It is appendix A of Headington and Riley that would be most helpful for those moving from Ada to C++.

I think it would be a good idea to begin reading Chapter 2 of Weiss before tomorrow. I will begin discussing it then.

I added a few items to the Pseudocode Manual for the new items. Any new items are listed by date.

Good news: I brought 5 copies of "Data Structures and Algorithms in Ada" by Weiss and three copies of"Data Abstraction and Structures using C++" by Headington and Riley to the Engineering Library.

Bad news: Because of lack of staff (budget cuts) the books will not be ready to check out for a week. I will let you know when they are ready. RL

Use the man command for g++, gdb, and emacs to get on-line information on the compiler, debugger, and editor respectively.

In problem 1 on the first homework, please use the "dense" linked list representation of polynomials. That is, every coefficient is in the list regardless if it is zero or not. Thus, only two fields are needed the coefficient field and the next field. The polynomial data structure described in the book on pages 73 to 78 is the "sparse" linked list reprentation. RL

The first class met promply at 11:30 am in EE 108 on March 27, 1995. The handouts, Lab. Tech. Notes 156, 159, and 161 are available in the main CSE office. Ask at the desk. The emacs handout and thumbnails of first lecture are in the hanger outside my office. RL
