Retro prof in the lab University of Washington Computer Science & Engineering
 CSE 326 A, Winter 2008
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Teaching Assistant:

Message Board

The CSE 326 A Message Board is for students to discuss issues related to the class. The instructor and TA will also participate in the message board. Please periodically check the message borad for announcements by the instructor or TA.

Meeting Times:


Assignments are due in class on Wednesdays (late assignments not accepted without prior approval).

Pseudocode Manual

Assignment 1 due 1/16/08
Assignment 2 due 1/23/08, postponed to 1/25/08, Friday
Assignment 3 due 2/1/08, Friday
Assignment 4 due 2/8/08, Friday
Assignment 5 due 2/27/08, Wednesday
Assignment 6 due 3/5/08, Wednesday


Advice on Reports
Project 1: Code due Monday, January 28th, paper due Wednesday, January 30th
Project 1 Groups (Please meet with your partner(s) by class on Friday, January 18th. Changes can be made at that time if necessary)
Project 2: Code due Monday, February 19th, paper due Wednesday, February 20th
Project 2 Groups (Please meet with your partner by class on Monday, February 3rd. Changes can be made at that time if necessary)
Project 3: Code due Tuesday, March 11th, paper due Wednesday, March 12th
Project 3 Groups (Please meet with your partner by e-mail as soon as possible.)


1/7/08 Chapters 1 and 2, Chapter 7 (Insertion sort, Mergesort, Quicksort)
1/14/08 Chapter 3
1/21/08 Chapter 4
1/27/08 Chapter 6
2/3/08 Chapter 12.6,
2/10/08 Chapter 9.1 - 9.3
2/17/08 Chapter 8
2/24/08 Chapter 5
3/2/08 Chapter 7.8 - 7.11
3/9/08 Chapter 9.7


Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Fundamentals
Lecture 3: Sorting: Insertion Sort, Mergesort, Quicksort
Lecture 4: Memory Performance of Algorithms
Lecture 5: Pointers and Lists
Lecture 6: Trees
Lecture 7: AVL Trees
Lecture 8: Splay Trees
Lecture 9: K-D Trees and Quad Trees
Lecture 10: B-Trees
Lecture 11: Binary Heaps
Lecture 12: Binomial Queues
Lecture 13: Graph Algorithms, Graph Search
Lecture 14: Disjoint Union/Find
Lecture 15: Hashing
Lecture 16: Sorting Lower Bound, Radix Sort
Lecture 17: Really Hard Problems, P vs. NP

Text Book

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java, Second Edition, Mark Allen Weiss
Supplemental materials to the book

Midterm Exam

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Midterm study guide

Final Exam

8:30 -10:20, Thursday, March 20
Final Exam study guide

Tentative Grading Weights

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University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA  98195-2350
(206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX
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