CSE as AND gate University of Washington Department of Computer Science & Engineering
 CSE 326 - Assignments - Winter 2004
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During the quarter you will have:

For the dry assignments, algorithms should be written in pseudo-code (like in the lectures). Here is the pseudo-code manual.
Follow these guidelines for formatting and submission of all dry assignments.

For the wet assignments, you can program in either Java or C++ (but not any other programming language)
Details on the turn-in for these projects will be given at the time of each assignment.

Late assignments will not be accepted unless there is prior approval.

Partner finding
The list of students that are looking for a partner to work with on the wet assignments is here.

Home Assignments        

Dry assignment #1 ( word, pdf). Due January 16.   (solutions)

Dry assignment #2 ( word, pdf). Due January 23.   (solutions)

Wet assignment #1 ( word, pdf). Team formation due: January 26. Full assignment due: February 4. 
   Test cases are here.

Dry assignment #3 ( word, pdf). Due February 9.   (solutions)

Wet assignment #2 ( word, pdf). Team formation due: Feb 17. Full assignment due: Feb 25. 
   Test files and hash information can be found here

Dry assignment #4 ( word, pdf). Due February 27.    (solutions)

Dry assignment #5 ( word, pdf). Due March 5.    (solutions)

Wet assignment #3 ( word, pdf). Team formation due: March 8. Full assignment due: March 12. 

CSE logo Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA  98195-2350
(206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX
[comments to tami@cs.washington.edu]