Summer 2004
Assignment 4
Due: At beginning of class, Thursday 7/15/2004

Please work with your assigned partner this time.  Turn in only one copy, and put both partner's name on the paper.  Both will receive the same grade under normal circumstance.

Part A.

Please work the following problems from the Weiss textbook.  Any that mention programming or implementation may be written with pencil and paper, using code that doesn't have to quite be compilable but shows the logic clearly and completely.


4.15a (only).  Do not write the program, but indicate how you would procede (hint: see 4.14).


4.25 (hint: the result of 4.18 might (or might not) be relevant).



Part B.

Read carefully through 4.39-4.40.  Think about each step and how you would program it.  Will be the basis of a future project...