/* * Created on Jun 24, 2004 */ package wordFinderPuzzle; /** An interface to be followed by programs implementing the * Word Finder Puzzle. In addition to these methods, the class * should have a constructor with one string argument: the name * of a file from which the puzzle is to be read. * @author dickey */ public interface IWordFinder { /** Print the matrix of characters of the puzzle, one line per row. * */ void printMatrix(); /** Print the words to be looked for in the puzzle, in alphabetical order. * */ void printWords(); /** Solve the puzzle and print the solution. The solution has * one line for each word to be found, with the words in * alphabetical order. For each word, tell where the word * was found. "Where" can be given as a pair of coordinates, telling * where the word starts (row and column) and where the word ends * (row and column). * */ void solvePuzzle(); }