CSE 326 - Winter 2003

Assignment 4 Hints and Clarifications

Clarification:   You should NOT to output the compressed file.

Correction:   You need to encode spaces and the new line symbols, in addition to 'a'-'z'. If you observe two symbols that end the line (like, CR and LF), treat them as one "new line" symbol. Hint: it might be easier to count the number of lines, rather than the number of new line symbols. Assume that the count is the same in either case.

Correction:   Furthermore, the output produced by your program must be in the same format as in the following example (for an imaginary input file):

nl 10
space 110
a 11101
b 1111001
z 111101
compression: 23%
The first two lines report the codes for the new line symbol and space, correspondingly. The reported compression rate should be rounded to an integer percentage.

Extra credit opportunity Here are some extra credit options. You can work on any subset of these for the corresponding credit: