Homework 1
Sound Blaster!
Due Monday June 30st, by 11PM
Basic steps for getting started with Homework #1
- Go to Sieg 232 or Sieg 329 and find a free PC.
- Log on to one of the island servers (tahiti, sumatra, etc.).
- Learn how to navigate in Unix and use basic unix functions (cd, mkdir, cp, rm, man, info, etc.).
- Choose a text editor (vim, pico, emacs, etc.).
- Write a HelloWorld.java program. This is just for your benefit, you do not have to turn this in.
- Compile and run the program you wrote:
javac HelloWorld.java
java -classpath . HelloWorld
Some introductory information about UNIX and C++ and
Java can be found
this page.
Once you've accomplished these basic steps, you're ready to continue with Homework #1.