// This is some sample code for the comparator class. // You will need to change the return value of the // operator() function to reflect the heuristic specified // in the handout. Feel free to add private methods to // this class if it will help you perform the calculation. // Feel free not to use this class at all. Feel free to // make any changes you want to it. It's just included // to give you an idea of what you might want to do. // You might want to use these functions: // SquareMaze::SquareMazeNode::getMazeWidth() // SquareMaze::SquareMazeNode::getMazeHeight() // SquareMaze::SquareMazeNode::getExitX() // SquareMaze::SquareMazeNode::getExitY() // You'll also have to have some way of figuring out how // many steps it took to get to the current node. #ifndef _COMPARE_H #define _COMPARE_H #include "Maze.h" #include "SquareMaze.h" class SquareMazeNodeCompare { public: bool operator() (SquareMaze::SquareMazeNode * left_arg, SquareMaze::SquareMazeNode * right_arg) { return false; // you will need to change this } }; #endif