CSE 326: Data Structures
Extra Slides on Nested Lists
Henry Kautz
Winter 2002

These Slides Contain
Example of a polymorphic node type.
Method for representing a tree as a list containing the root followed by pointers to each child.
Simpler LISP-like method for representing a tree as a list contain the root followed by the children (not pointers to the children).
The LISP-like method, but using a generic Node template and a polymorphic object type.
See file “poly.cpp” on the course web page for a file containing code for this final version.

Polymorphic* Node
class node {
public: enum Tag { I, P };
 union { int i; node * p; };
 Tag tag;
 void check(Tag t){ if (tag!=t) error();}
 node * next;
 Tag get_tag() { return tag; }
 int & ival() { check(I); return i; }
 node * & pval() { check(P); return p; }

Creating and Setting Nodes
class node {
 // Creating a new node
 node(int ii) { i=ii; tag=I; }
 node(node * pp) { p=pp; tag=P; }
 // Changing the value in a node
 void set(int ii) { i=ii; tag=I; }
 void set(node * pp) { p=pp; tag=P; }

Method 1: Nested List Implementation of a Tree

How To Represent?

Slide 7

“LISP” Nested List Implementation of a Tree

How To Represent?

Slide 10

Using Distinct Node and Polymorphic Objects
template <class t> struct node; //forward declaration
class poly {
public: enum Tag { I, P };
 union { int i; node<poly> * p; };
 Tag tag;
 void check(Tag t){ if (tag!=t) error("bad");}
 Tag get_tag() { return tag; }
 int & ival() { check(I); return i; }
 node<poly> * & pval() { check(P); return p; }

Using Distinct, ... continued
 // Creating a new poly
 poly() { i=0; tag=I; }
 poly(int ii) { i=ii; tag=I; }
 poly(node<poly> * pp) { p=pp; tag=P; }
 // Changing the value in a poly
 void set(int ii) { i=ii; tag=I; }
 void set(node<poly> * pp) { p=pp; tag=P; }
 void print_preorder(void);
template <class t> struct node {
t data;
node<t>* next; };

Slide 13

Other Choices
Use an explicit List class as well as a Node class or structure
 pval() then is a List, rather than a pointer to Node
print_preorder() or other routines that traverse the tree would need some way to efficiently step through the nodes in the list.
I.e., don’t actually destroy the list using Pop()
You could let the List() give you it’s first node, or you could define a list iterator type as described in the textbook.