Grading Homework 3

Point Distribution:
Style (Documentation, Commenting, etc. ): 30 pts
Correctness and Error-testing:
   Part 1: 10 pts
   Part 2: 20 pts
   Part 3: 15 pts
Algorithmic Complexity: 10 pts
Extra Credit: 15 points possible

Your code was checked automatically by a script that fed it different files containing specifically designed input. These lists were all small and should have finished ed in less than a second. Thus, if the code ran for longer than 3 seconds, it was terminated and counted as an infinite loop. Core dumps were also noted, and it was observed whether or not these were due to assertions.

Correctness and Error-Testing:
For error-testing, we tested various possible error situations. Since the overall design of this homework was non-specific, we realize that you might have decided to accept our "errors" as proper input. If you documented these decisions, we noted this and no points were taken off. If you feel that your code was improperly judged, you may challenge your grade by sending an e-mail containing your arguments. For correctness, we ran your code on similar inputs, checking (by sight) for proper output.

If you have any questions as to what the individual tests specifically asked for, please contact Nick.

Algorithmic Complexity:
Your code was checked to make sure it avoided unneeded recursion and for ease of understanding.

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