Electronic Submission Instructions

For each programming assignment, there will be an electronic turnin which is due at the specified time on the due date or considered late (yes, if the project is due at 10:00PM, 10:01PM is late; yes, we do get time stamps; no, they are not changed by touching the files).

The best way to submit files electronically is to submit a directory containing all your project files. You must do this from a linux instructional machine.

  1. Prepare the directory for submission:
  2. Submit the directory using the turnin script:
    If your current directory contains the directory "myprojectdir" with the files you want to submit, then you would type:

    turnin -c cse326 -p projectname myprojectdir

    Obviously, you must modify the above command to reflect the current project name and your directory name.

    The argument following the -c flag indicates the course and section. The argument following the -p flag indicates the project number or code. The last argument is the directory name. There is a man page for turnin on the instructional machines if you would like to learn about all the options, but it shouldn't be necessary.

    You should receive a message like "Your files have been submitted to cse326, projectname for grading". That's it. If you submit more than once, your latest submission will overwrite the prior submission.

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