Lectures: MWF 9:30-10:20 EE1 125
Section AA: Thurs 9:30-10:20 BLD 392
Section AB: Thurs 2:30-3:20 EE1 031
Midterm: Fri Apr 27, 2001 in class
Final: Wed June 6, 2001 8:30-10:20 am
Alon Halevy, Instructor
(206) 543-8099
office hours:
Wed 4:30-5:30
Sieg 310
Maya Rodrig, TA
office hours:
Mon 1:30-2:30
Office hours held in Sieg 226b
Nicholas Bone, TA
office hours:
Thu 11-noon.
Office hours held in Sieg 226b
Textbook: M.A. Weis, Data Structures & Algorithms
in C++
(2nd edition, 1999, ISBN: 0-201-36122-1)
We will be covering all of chapters 1-8 and parts of 9, 10, and 11.
Course Home Page: http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses/326/01sp/
See links from Home Page for instructions on registering for course
Programming will be done on the CSE lab machines using Unix and g++.
See links from the home page for laboratory information.
Purpose of course: Fundamental abstract data types and their implementations as data structures. Asymptotic analyses of algorithms involving these data structures. Specific topics include:
Course Policies:
- algorithm analysis
- linked lists
- trees and traversals
- binary search trees
- balanced trees (AVL and Splay)
- hashing
- priority queues and heaps
- sorting
- disjoint union-find
- Weekly written homework due at the start of class on due date (usually a Friday). 10% penalty for homework turned in by 10:30 am the next week day. Afterward, NO late homework accepted. Homework can be typed or clearly handwritten.
- Four programming projects. Projects turned in electronically before 11pm on due date (usually a Monday). 10% penalty for projects that are 1 weekday late; afterward, NOT accepted.
- Work in teams only on explicit team projects as specified on the particular assignment. If the assignment does not mention teams, then you should work out the solutions to each problem yourself. General discussions with other sutdents about course topics are encouraged. If you have questions about whether some kind of joint work with your fellow students is permissible talk to the instructor or TA, and read the College of Engineering Policy on Academic Misconduct:
homework: 25%
projects: 25%
midterm: 20%
final: 30%