CSE 326 - Final Topics Review
Focus on topics covered after the midterm!
Stuff that wasn’t covered in class is not on the exam
No proofs
No complex time analyses, only what we covered in class
Understand the algorithms
Apply algorithms to sample data
Slightly modify an algorithm we covered to capture a related problem
Choose the "appropriate" algorithm for a certain problem or input
Splay trees
Heaps – binary heaps, d-heaps, min-max
Disjoint sets – union-find, path compression
Graphs(!!!) – terminology, algorithms (Dijkstra’s)
Spanning trees – Kruskal’s, Prim’s
Sorting – algorithms, time complexity, applicability
k-d trees
stuff covered before the midterm – by now this should be easy…
Review lecture notes
Review homework assignments
Don’t spend too much time reading the book unless you need further clarification on something from the class notes