CSE 326 Data Structures
Project 1
Simulating a Network

Due: Wednesday, 11 April 2001, 10pm

This assignment is currently in draft status and may be changed!


·         Review stack and queue ADTs

·         Become comfortable programming with UNIX/LINUX and g++

·         Learn how to use templates

·         Practice algorithm design



Stacks and Queues are two very basic abstract data types for storing data that are useful in a wide variety of applications. Stacks have a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) behavior: an element is removed only after all items added after it are themselves removed. So, if a number of items are put on a stack, they will be removed from the stack in reverse order. Queues have a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) behavior: an item leaves a queue only after all items added before it leave. Items leave a queue in the order that they were placed on the queue.


In any network (e.g. a small office LAN, Sieg Hall, the Internet) there are terminals (e.g. your PC, a server, a printer).  The terminals are connected via nodes (e.g. modems, internet routers) which are in turn connected via cables or wireless links.  When messages (e.g. email, print jobs) are sent from one terminal to another, they are first broken up into data packets of manageable size, and the packets are reassembled once they reach their destination.  The nodes (as well as the lines connecting the nodes) have a limited capacity (or bandwidth), which is why message transmission is sometimes very slow, as anyone who has tried to download a large file over a 56k modem knows.


In this assignment we will simulate the routing of packets between nodes in a network.


More detail


The basic idea


We are just simulating a small piece of a network, and will be focusing on the problem of deciding where to send a packet (supposing, of course, that there are multiple paths that lead to the destination).  The basic problem can be formulated as follows: given a set of packets that need to be sent, and a set of network nodes they may be routed through, choose the best node for each packet so that the throughput of the network is maximized.  It’s a bit more complicated than that, but that’s the basic idea.


How the simulation works


The input to the program has two parts: a list of nodes in the network, and a list of packets to be sent (see the “Input files” section below).  Each node has a capacity (number of packets it can hold at a time), and either uses a Queue or a Stack to hold the packets it is sent while they’re waiting to be processed.  Each packet has a “start time” (the time at which it is to be sent), a priority (how important it is), and a character representing the data it contains.


When the simulation begins all the nodes are empty (because no packets have been sent yet).  The NetworkSimulator class (which runs the simulation) keeps a list of all the packets waiting to be sent, sorted by their start time, and also a list of packets that have safely arrived at their destination.  At each time step two things happen: first, every non-empty node processes (dequeues or pops) one packet, and that packet is added to the list of arrived packets; second, any packets who are due to start at the current time are sent to one of the nodes in the network.  Which node a packet is sent to is determined by the routing algorithm.  The supplied routing algorithm just sends each packet to whichever node has the most room.  If all the nodes are full then the packet must wait until the next time step.  When you are implementing your own routing algorithm (see the “What you must do” section below) you may want to consider the priority of the packet when deciding where to send it, and keep in mind the difference between FIFO and LIFO.


When all the packets have been sent, and all the nodes are once again empty, the simulation will terminate and output the results (see the “Viewing the results” section below).


What you must do

Your assignment, if you choose to accept it, has the following three parts.  I suggest getting Part 1 working completely before starting on Part 2.


Part 1: Implement Stacks and Queues


Implement two versions of the Queue ADT, QueueA and QueueLL; and two versions of the Stack ADT, StackA and StackLL.  Each should be derived from (and adhere to the interface of) the supplied abstract base classes for Queue and Stack.  The –LL versions should be implemented using linked-lists to hold the data.  StackA should be implemented using an array, with the top of the stack at position size-1.  QueueA should be implemented using a circular array, as outlined in the lecture slides.  When your program is run with the –l flag the linked-list versions of your data structures will be used.  Otherwise the array versions will be used.


Part 2: Build a better routing algorithm


Write your own version of the routing algorithm for packets.  The supplied version is in the function NetworkSimulator::route(Packet).  You may add data members or methods to the NetworkSimulator class as you see fit to help you create your own routing algorithm.  Your version should be used whenever your program is run with the –r flag (you need to implement this flag).  It is important that you use these flags exactly as specified, otherwise I will not be able to efficiently test your program.


Part 3: The README file


A large proportion of your grade will be based on the completeness and clarity of your README file.  See the “The README” section below for a description of what your README file must include.


The project skeleton

As a starting point, we've provided a few files for you to build on:

Stack.h, Queue.h (do not modify)

These define the ADTs that you must extend.  You must implement all the undefined functionality (i.e. the pure virtual functions) in each of your concrete derived classes.

Vector.h, Vector.cpp, SortedVector.h, SortedVector.cpp (do not modify)

A Vector is used by NetworkSimulator to keep track of the Nodes in the network; a SortedVector is used to store the packets waiting to be sent.

Node.h (do not modify)

This defines the Node ADT.

QueueNode.h, QueueNode.cpp, StackNode.h, StackNode.cpp (do not modify)

These files define the concrete data types derived from the Node class.

Packet.h, Packet.cpp (do not modify)

These files define the Packet type.  Although they are implemented with templates, in our simulation the data will always be a single character (data packets in the real world are much bigger, of course).

NetworkSimulator.h, NetworkSimulator.cpp

The NetworkSimulator class is the heart of the whole program.  It reads the input data, keeps track of the network configuration and when packets are sent, and runs the simulation.  You will need to add your own routing method to this class, and may modify it in other ways as you see fit (as long as your program conforms to the specifications).


This is the main driver code for the program, which we have partially implemented.  Its main task is to process the command-line arguments.  The NetworkSimulator class does the rest of the work.  You will need to modify this file to handle the –r option.


make netsim will build your program. You will need to modify the Makefile to include any new files you create.  It is very important that you understand (at least on a fundamental level) how Makefiles work.  In the past I have wasted lots of time looking for an error in my code when the problem was really in my Makefile.

All provided files can be found in the project directory:



Input files

Input files have a list of nodes followed by a list of packets.  A single node is represented by one of the characters ‘q’ or ‘s’, followed by a positive integer.  A ‘q’ means that the node uses a queue to hold packets, and an ‘s’ means that it uses a stack.  The integer determines the capacity of the node.  A packet is represented by two integers and a character.  The first integer is the packet’s start time, the second is its priority, and the character is the data.  The start time must be at least 0 and the priority must be in the range 1 to 9 (1 being the best).  Here is an example input file:


q 10 q 18 s 20 s 3

0 5 o

0 1 l

0 9 H

3 5 !

0 7 e

1 4 l


In the network described by this file there are four nodes.  Nodes 0 and 1 are QueueNodes with capacities 10 and 18, and nodes 2 and 3 are StackNodes with capacities 20 and 3.  There are six packets, four of which are sent at time 0, one at time 1, and one at time 3.  The simulation (with the supplied routing algorithm, which ignores priorities) will proceed as follows:


Time 0:

send ‘o’ to node 2

      send ‘l’ to node 2

      send ‘H‘ to node 1

      send ‘e’ to node 2

Time 1:

dequeue ‘H’ from node 1

      pop ‘e’ from node 2

      send ‘l’ to node 1

Time 2:

dequeue ‘l’ from node 1

      pop ‘l’ from node 2

Time 3:

pop ‘o’ from node 2

      send ‘!’ to node 2

Time 4:

pop ‘!’ from node 2


Then the simulation ends, and the results are displayed. Note that nodes 0 and 3 were not used at all. That is because my routing algorithm is very inefficient; make sure yours performs better! There are other sample input files in the directory project1/inputs that you can use to test your program.


Viewing the results

When the simulation is complete (i.e. all packets have arrived at their destinations), the program will output two things.  First, a concatenation of the data in all the packets, in the order they arrived; and second, some statistics regarding the average amount of time it took each packet to reach its destination.  It will also display these statistics broken down by priority.  When run on the above file, the output would look like this:


Message: Hello!

Average Transit Time: 1.5

  ATT for priority 1: 2.0

  ATT for priority 4: 1.0

  ATT for priority 5: 2.0

  ATT for priority 7: 1.0

  ATT for priority 9: 1.0


Note that the output of your program should look exactly like the output of the sample executable except when run with the –r flag!  When run with the –v flag (verbose mode), it will output what is happening as the simulation progresses (something like what is shown above in the “Input files” section).



You are required to turn in your project1 directory, which must include at least the following files:


·         QueueA.[h,cpp], QueueLL.[h,cpp], StackA.[h,cpp], StackLL.[h,cpp]

·         Your modified version of NetworkSimulator.[h,cpp]

·         Your modified netsim.cpp

·         Your modified Makefile

·         Your README file

·         One or more original sample input files you used to test your program

·         Any additional files you used


Note: of the files we provide to you, you should need to change only NetworkSimulator.[h,cpp], netsim.cpp and Makefile (of course, you may create whatever files you wish). If you want to change any other files in the project, contact Nic first!


Turn your files in electronically using turnin:


% cd ~/your326Directory/yourProject1Directory

% make clean

% cd ../

% turnin -c cse326 -p project1 yourProject1Directory



Your README file should document your submission (though it does not by any means replace comments in the code!). It should contain the following:


·         Your name.

·         Approximately how long the project took you to complete.

·         A brief statement of completeness: does your project meet the requirements? if not, in what ways does it fall short?

·         Acknowledgement of any assistance you received from anyone but the 326 staff or the Weiss book.

·         A list of the files used in your project with a brief (anywhere from one sentence to one paragraph) description of each file.  You should describe the provided files as well as the files you create.

·         A description of your routing algorithm, and in what ways it improves upon the supplied algorithm.

·         A description of any extra credit you attempted (see below).


Also answer the following questions (justify your answers):


·         What do you consider to be an appropriate measure of the performance of a routing algorithm?  Put in another way, how much is it appropriate to delay transmission of a low priority packet in order to speed the delivery of a higher priority packet?

·         Can you think of any data structures that might work better than Stacks and Queues for this purpose?

·         What did you enjoy about this assignment? What did you hate? Do you have any suggestions or requests for the other projects?


Additional utilities

We've provided a few utilities to help you develop and test your program. These are located in the directory project1/bin.


Sample executable


The executable sample1 is our sample solution for this assignment. Use it to see what we expect from you.


      % ./bin/sample1 < inputfile > outputfile


will run the simulation as specified in inputfile, and write the results to outputfile.


If you find this too easy…

For a small amount of extra credit, you may attempt one of the following.  If you choose to do one of these, it is important that you first have your program working exactly according to the specifications, so that it will work with my test scripts.


·         Visualization:  Currently, the program merely outputs text descriptions of what’s going on.  Implement a graphical display (could be ASCII-based or use X-Windows tools) to animate the simulation.  Contact the staff if you want to do this but don’t know where to start.

·         Interaction:  Provide a way for the user to interact with the simulation.  Some possibilities are: halting the simulation at will; controlling the speed of the simulation (delay between time steps); sending packets on the fly, as opposed to being limited to what’s in the input file.

·         Alternative Data Structures:  Design and implement a different data structure that you think would perform better than Stacks and Queues according to the guidelines you specified in your README file.  Modify the file format (i.e. change the constructor for NetworkSimulator) to allow the use of your new data structure.  This would also necessitate creating a new subclass of Node to use your new data structure.

·         Other ideas...? (we’re open to suggestions)


Approximate grading breakdown

·         20% - correct implementation of Stack and Queue classes

·         10% - your routing algorithm

·         5% - if your routing algorithm performs better than mine

·         40% - if it works on my secret test files (i.e. all the command line arguments are implemented, it doesn’t crash, and it outputs correct results)

·         25% - your README file



The format of this document and some of the text is based on (or in some cases, directly quoted from) the Winter 2000 CSE 326 Project 1 Description.  I am using it here with permission of the author, Steve Wolfman.


Some of the supplied code is also based on the Winter 2000 version of this assignment, and is used with permission of the authors, Steve Wolfman, Zasha Weinberg and Nic Bone.


The idea behind this assignment was developed by Alon Halevy, Maya Rodrig, and Nic Bone.  Except as mentioned above, this document and all the supplied code were written by Nic Bone.