CSE 326 Autumn 2001


Homework Assignment 2



Friday, October 26



Weiss Chapters 3, 4



Unless specified otherwise, write your algorithms in pseudocode, following the course pseudocode guidelines.




  1. Weiss 3.5, list splicing.  Write the functions in C++.


  1. Weiss 3.9, list intersection.


  1. Linked-list polynomial multiplication, take 2.


    1. Weiss 3.12(a).


    1. Which part of the algorithm were we neglecting when we (including me!) so flippantly concluded in class that linked-list polynomial multiplication could be done in O(m*n) time?


  1. Write a non-recursive algorithm to reverse a singly-linked list in place, i.e. without creating and copying out to a new list (this is Weiss 3.17(b)).  What is the time complexity of your algorithm?


  1. Show how to implement a queue using two stacks.  You may use pseudocode or a clear description with diagrams.  What is the time complexity of the queue operations?


  1. Show how to implement a stack using two queues.  You may use pseudocode or a clear description with diagrams.  What is the time complexity of the stack operations?


  1. Weiss 4.6, numbers of full nodes and leaves in a binary tree. (It may help to first prove the result in Weiss 4.4.)


  1. Weiss 4.10, average numbers of nodes and leaves in a BST.


  1. Weiss 4.27 and 4.28, splay tree operations.


  1. Weiss 4.26, function for efficient AVL tree double rotation.  Write the function in C++.


  1. Weiss 4.37, function for BST range searching.  Write the function in C++.


  1. Extra credit  Weiss 4.47 (a) and (b), BST transformations.