Survey for CSE 326 - Winter 2000
Have you taken CSE 341
When did you take CSE 143
How confident do you feel in the following
[A] very confident, [B] pretty confident, [C] so-so, [D] not too sure, [E] I don't think I've done that
- Programming in general.
- Programming in C
- Programming in C++
- Programming in Java
- Using UNIX
- Using g++
- File manipulation in C++
- big-O analysis
- Lists
- Binary Search Trees
- Balanced trees (AVL, 2-3, red-black)
- Hashing/hash tables
Why did you decide to major in CSE?
Do you have an area in CSE that you're especially
interested in (e.g. educational software, games, graphics, databases, etc).
Do you have any experience implementing a reasonably
complex ADT (e.g. in another class or industry)? If so,
please describe.
What's your favorite hobby?
mine is dogs (walking, training, playing)
Anything else we should know?