A dynamic programming algorithm |
The problem |
What is a DNA sequence? |
DNA similarity |
What is DNA sequence alignment? |
Using English words |
The Naïve algorithm |
The Dynamic Programming algorithm |
Idea of Dynamic Programming |
DNA: string using letters A,C,G,T |
Letter = DNA “base” |
DNA makes up your “genetic code” |
DNA can mutate. |
Change a letter |
Insert a letter |
Delete a letter |
A few mutations makes sequences different, but
“similar” |
New sequences compared to existing sequences |
Similar sequences often have similar function |
Most widely used algorithm in computational
biology tools |
e.g. BLAST at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/BLAST/ |
Match 2 sequences, with underscore ( _ )
wildcards. |
Best Alignment à minimum underscores
(slight simplification, but okay for 326) |
e.g. |
Try every way to put in underscores |
If it works, and is best so far, record it. |
At end, return best solution. |
Table(x,y): best alignment for first x letters
of string 1, and first y letters of string 2 |
Decide what to do with the end of string, then
look up best alignment of remainder in Table. |
“zasha” vs. “ashes”. 2 possibilities for last letters: |
(1) match ‘a’ with ‘_’: |
best_alignment(“zash”,”ashes”)+1 |
(2) match ‘s’ with ‘_’: |
best_alignment(“zasha”,”ashe”)+1 |
à best_alignment(“zasha”,”ashes”) |
=min(best_alignment(“zash”,”ashes”)+1, |
best_alignment(“zasha”,”ashe”)+1) |
Every square in table is filled in once |
Filling it in is constant time |
Q(n2) squares |
à alg is Q(n2) |
Re-use expensive computations |
Identify critical input to problem (e.g. best
alignment of prefixes of strings) |
Store results in table, indexed by critical
input |
Solve cells in table of other cells |
Top-down often easier to program |