Zasha Weinberg in lieu of Steve Wolfman |
Winter Quarter 2000 |
Simple: Selection Sort |
(some say Insertion Sort, or Bubble Sort) |
Quick: QuickSort |
Good worst case: MergeSort, HeapSort |
Can we do better? |
Find the smallest element, put it first |
Find the next smallest element, put it second |
Find the next smallest, put it next |
etc. |
Randomly permute input |
Bad cases more common than simple probability
would suggest. So, make it truly
random. |
Pick pivot cleverly |
“Median-of-3” rule takes Median(first, middle,
last element elements). |
Use MergeSort or HeapSort. |
Model expected # of operations |
Manipulate the recurrences |
Get O(n log n) |
(Weiss, p. 275-279) |
For any possible correct Sorting by Comparison
alg |
What is lowest best case time? |
What is lowest worst case time? |
How many comparisons does it take before we can
be sure of the order? |
This is the minimum # of comparisons that any
algorithm could do. |
How many leaves does the tree have? |
What’s the shallowest tree with a given number
of leaves? |