So that we can check your program submissions efficiently please meet the following requirements below:
- Name your executable 'amazon'
(with no extension)
- Command Line parameters
The first command line parameter should be the filename containing
a list of files which will each be read into your database.
The second command line parameter should be an option which determines whether the program will run uninterupted without waiting on user input. There is no requirement that you put user interfaces into your program, but some of you probably did, so this flag should effectively remove. Let's say the flag will be 'noinput' to turn input off. If your program doesn't require input, then write it to accept this second parameter and ignore it.
In summary, a call to 'amazon inputfiles.txt noinput' should read and process all the files in 'inputfiles.txt', and produce all output to stdout. The output will be that required by 'i' directives in the input files, and printing of the top ten after 100 sale orders have been processed.
Here's a brief example of how to implement command line parameters. For MSVC people, it might be useful to know that you can set your build options to include input parameters so you can test things.
- Submit your program using the standard submission instructions listed here.
- And don't forget the written the report, submitted in writing, in class.