CSE326: Data Structures
Spring Quarter, 2000
Instructor: Prof. Linda G. Shapiro
Office: 214 Sieg
Telephone: 543-2196
Email: shapiro@cs.washington.edu
Web Page: http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/shapiro
Office Hours: probably 10:30 to 11:20 MWF
TA: Karen Liu, karenliu@cs.washington.edu
TA: Gerome Miklau, gerome@cs.washington.edu

Purpose of Course: The objective of this class is to study the fundamental data structures and algorithms used in computer science. Students will study advanced programming techniques and will learn to analyze the algorithms to determine their time and space requirements. We will also look at applications to graphics, vision, AI, databases, etc.

Text: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, Mark A. Weiss, Benjamin Cummings Publishing Co., 1999 (Second Edition).

Topics to be Covered:

Evaluation: Roughly, Exercises 15%, Programs 35%, Midterm 25%, Final 25%.

