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CSE326: Data Structures
Midterm Review List

General: Be able to write, trace, or perform a complexity analysis of:
recursive functions
functions that work with any kind of linked list (singly linked, doubly linked, circular, or whatever a problem defines)
functions that work with binary trees, general trees implemented via binary trees, binary search trees (with or without splaying), B+trees (NOT AVL trees)
functions that implement hashing
functions that work with binary heaps

Complexity Analysis: Be able to determine time complexity in Big Oh notation, in terms of the smallest common function f such that T(N) = O(f(N))
using counting arguments
using results of other analyses if applicable
Be able to answer questions about the meaning of O(N).

Trees: Be able to construct and search (by hand)
binary search trees
splay trees
Be able to delete from binary search trees.

Hashing: Be able to construct hash tables in several different ways. (My terminology and the book's are different, so I will try to be very explicit here.)
hash to buckets that point to either linked lists or contiguous lists
direct organization (book says ``open addressing'') with linear or quadratic probing or with double hashing (book's terminology for a second hash function)
Know what to do when the hash table becomes too full. Be able to discuss complexity.

Heaps: Be able to construct, add to, or delete Min from a binary heap (or delete Max from a max heap).

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