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CSE326: Data Structures
Final Review List
- 1.
- General: Be able to write, trace, or perform a complexity analysis
- (a)
- recursive functions
- (b)
- functions that work with any kind of linked list (singly linked,
doubly linked, circular, or whatever a problem defines)
- (c)
- functions that work with binary trees, general trees implemented
via binary trees, binary search trees (with or without splaying), B+trees
(NOT AVL trees)
- (d)
- functions that implement hashing
- (e)
- functions that work with binary heaps
- (f)
- functions that implement heapsort, mergesort, or quicksort
- (g)
- functions that implement disjoint sets with the union-find structure
- (h)
- functions that work with graphs, including topological sort,
unweighted shortest path, weighted shortest path with nonnegative weights,
all-pairs path existance, minimal spanning trees,
depth-first and breadth-first search, and graph matching.
- 2.
- Complexity Analysis: Be able to determine time complexity
in Big Oh notation, in terms of the smallest common function f
such that T(N) = O(f(N))
- (a)
- using counting arguments
- (b)
- using results of other analyses if applicable
Be able to answer questions about the meaning of O(N).
- 3.
- Trees: Be able to construct and search (by hand)
- (a)
- binary search trees
- (b)
- splay trees
- (c)
- B+trees
Be able to delete from binary search trees.
- 4.
- Hashing: Be able to construct hash tables in several different ways.
- (a)
- hash to buckets that point to either linked lists or contiguous lists
- (b)
- direct organization (book says ``open addressing'') with linear
or quadratic probing or with double hashing (book's terminology for a
second hash function)
Know what to do when the hash table becomes too full. Be able to
discuss complexity.
- 5.
- Heaps: Be able to construct, add to, or delete Min from a
binary heap (or delete Max from a max heap).
- 6.
- Sorting: Be able to show how sorting is done by
heapsort, mergesort, and quicksort (with different pivoting strategies).
Be able to discuss the merits and shortcomings of each method. Be able
to explain or to mimic the methods shown in the book for setting up
and solving recurrence relations. :
- 7.
- Disjoint Sets Be able to work with the representation
for disjoint sets that stores a tree for each equivalence class.
Be able to apply the union and find algorithms to use in applications.
- 8.
- Graphs Be able to perform graph matching or calculate
the error of a mapping for the different variations in the class
handout, ie. full isomorphisms, subgraph isomorphisms, relational
distance matching for labeled or unlabeled graphs, digraphs or undirected
graphs. Be able to show how the various algorithms find
orderings of the nodes of a DAG, shortest unweighted or weighted path
for directed graphs that may have cycles, and all pairs of paths that exist for
directed graphs represented as adjacency matrices.
Be able to answer questions on how these algorithms are the same and
how and why they differ. Be able to use Kruskal's algorithm to find a
minimal spanning tree of a weighted graph. Be able to perform depth-first
or breadth-first searches and to use them to solve some problem.
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