Winter 2000

CSE 326: Exercise Set 3
due Friday, May 19 by end of class

1. Problem 7.11 from the text

2. Problem 7.12 from the text with two parts:
a) array is initially in descending order
b) array is initially in ascending order
Answer in Big Oh notation plus English explanation.

3. Problem 7.15 from the text

4. Modified problem 7.16 from the text. Write code (pseudo-code is fine) for a nonrecursive mergesort for the special case where the number of elements N is a power of two. Discuss how you would tackle the general case where N is not necessarily a power of two.

5. Problem 7.17 from the text (Big Oh notation plus English explanation)

6. Problem 7.20 from the text (Big Oh notation plus English explanation)


Please type or neatly print the answers to these problems.