Winter 2000
CSE 326: Exercise Set 3
due Friday, May 19 by end of class
- 1. Problem 7.11 from the text
- 2. Problem 7.12 from the text with two parts:
- a) array is initially in descending order
- b) array is initially in ascending order
Answer in Big Oh notation plus English explanation.
- 3. Problem 7.15 from the text
- 4. Modified problem 7.16 from the text. Write code (pseudo-code
is fine) for a nonrecursive mergesort for the special case where the number
of elements N is a power of two. Discuss how you would tackle the general
case where N is not necessarily a power of two.
- 5. Problem 7.17 from the text (Big Oh notation plus English explanation)
- 6. Problem 7.20 from the text (Big Oh notation plus English explanation)
Please type or neatly print
the answers to these problems.