Winter 2000

CSE 326: Exercise Set 1
due Wednesday, April 5
Recursion and Algorithm Analysis

1. Page 38, Ex. 1.5, paper and pencil only. Trace it for N=7.

2. Page 62-3, Ex. 2.7

a. paper and pencil
b. requires coding simple loops and runing them (see below)
c. compares results of a. and b.

3. Page 64, Ex. 2.13, paper and pencil only.

4. Page 64, Ex. 2.14 paper and pencil. Answer c. in Big-Oh notation.

How to time a segment of code:

#include <time.h>
void main()
   clock_t start, end, runTime;

   start = clock();

   /* Put your code here. */

   end = clock();
   runTime = end - start;