CSE 326 Autumn 2000


·         Exam will be Monday, Dec 11th, from 2:30 to 4:20.

·         The final will cover all material in the course, but will be weighted most heavily toward material covered after the midterm.

·         Questions will be drawn from:

o        Weiss, Chapters 1 – 9, plus 11.3, 11.5, 12.5, 12.6.  We will not cover 9.4, 9.6, or 9.7.

o        The lecture handouts.

o        Material covered in the homeworks and programming projects.

·         The exam will be closed books, closed notes.

·         Be sure you know:

o        how to compare functions using O(N), Θ(N), and Ω(N) notation

o        how to analyze the running times of programs using the notions of worst case and best case complexity

o        how to solve a simple recursive equation

o        how to carry out a simple amortized analysis

o        how the basic dictionary operations are implemented, what their worst-case (and when appropriate, average case or amotized case) running times for

§         linked lists and array-based lists

§         binary search trees, AVL trees, splay trees, and b-trees

§         hashing (including separate chaining, linear probing, quadratic probing, and double hashing)

§         binary heaps, leftist heaps, skew heaps

§         k-d trees and quadtrees

§         up trees and union/find

§         randomized skip lists and treaps

o        Graph algorithms:

§         adjacency-list representation of graphs

§         Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm

§         Kruskal’s minimum spanning tree algorithm

o        Complexity and tradeoffs of sorting algorithms

§         insertion sort, quicksort, heapsort, mergesort, radix sort

§         lower bounds on comparison-based sorting algorithms

§         memory hierarchy (effect of cache on execution time)