Reading assignment: Read Lewis and Papdimitriou 3.1-3.3.
<STMT> -> <ASSIGN> | <IF-THEN> | <IF-THEN-ELSE> | <BEGIN-END> <IF-THEN> -> if condition then <STMT> <IF-THEN-ELSE> -> if condition then <STMT> else <STMT> <BEGIN-END> -> begin <STMT-LIST> end <STMT-LIST> -> <STMT-LIST> <STMT> | <STMT> <ASSIGN> -> a:=1 where the start symbol is <STMT>.
{ ai bj ck | i, j, k >= 0, and if i = 1 then j = k }
is not regular but show that the Myhill-Nerode can be used to prove that it isn't regular.