The last question on the CSE322 finals asked the students to write a funny
limerick/joke based on the material covered in class. I was impressed
by the "entries" specially given the time constraint. Here are some of
them (in no particular order):
- (Christopher To)
Q: Why couldn't the TM knit ?
A: As it could not decide the string.
- (Travis Wilson)
Q: Why can't my girlfriend get along with a Turing Machine ?
A: She can never decide anything.
- (Giles Westerfield)
Q: A context free language and a regular language are each
driving a car towards an intersection from different directions.
Which one survives and makes it to the other side ?
A: The context free language survives because the intersection
between a context free language and a regular language is
- (Brian Stone)
Q: A TM walks into a bar. How do you know it's decidable ?
A: It halts when it hits the bar.
- (Kendal Sager)
Q: Why was the Turing machine so bored by the DFA ?
A: He was just a regular guy!
- (Arthur Patterson)
Mr. DFA likes his coffee
But one day he experienced atrophe
Because Rudra said
But some hair on your head
And then you can context-free
(Note: For the above to make sense see slide No. 30 in here --atri).
- (James Lewis)
Q: How are USA and a DFA related ?
A: There's only a finite number of states.
- ( Mike Levine)
Title: L1 = {0n1n | n≥ 0}
There once was a man from DFA-land
He wanted to check something by hand
The language was tough
DFA wasn't enough
He said "that language L1, damn!"
- (Joel Johnson)
Q: Why did the union reject the CFL's application ?
A: His purpose was taken out of context.
- (Jenae Hamlik)
L={0n1n | n ≥0}
Q: Why did Ms. L know she's not pregnant ?
A: Because she is not regular.
- ( Jim George)
Q: Where do most languages get in car wrecks ?
A: During intersections.
- ( Slava Cherniyak)
There once was a language called L
The class of which I couldn't tell
I tried DFAs
I tried PDas
Turns out it's ATM complement, so goto hell!
- (Allen Chen)
Q: Why did the Turing-recognizable language not have any friends ?
A: It could never make up it's mind and decide on anything.
- (Jeffrey Carlson)
For any Σ* produced from my mouth, all women's DFA's go to a
reject state.
- (Nick Allen)
What else does NFA stand for ?
Neo finding Automaton.
(Note: For this to make sense see Slide No. 5 in here --atri.)