CSE 322 Assignment #7
Spring 2000
Due: Friday, May 19, 2000.
Reading assignment:
Read Lewis and Papdimitriou 3.3-3.4 up to the end of Lemma 3.4.1 as well
as page 169-170 of the text. I will give
a handout for the rest of the material in the chapter.
- PROBLEM CANCELLED: Lewis and Papadimitriou problem 3.1.3, page 120.
Document each non-terminal symbol.
- Lewis and Papadimitriou problem 3.1.9 page 122, parts (a), (b), (c).
Document each non-terminal symbol.
- Lewis and Papadimitriou problem 3.3.2 page 135, parts (c), (d). Use
the diagram notation from class. Document the states of your PDA's.
- Consider the following grammar for a programming language fragment:
<IF-THEN> -> if condition then <STMT>
<IF-THEN-ELSE> -> if condition then <STMT> else <STMT>
<BEGIN-END> -> begin <STMT-LIST> end
<ASSIGN> -> a:=1
where the start symbol is <STMT>.
- Show that this is actually ambiguous.
- (Bonus) Give a new unambiguous grammar for the same language.
- Carry out the general top-down construction to convert a CFG to a PDA
for the grammar for balanced parentheses (Example 3.1.4 page 118-9 in the text.
Now, do the same for the bottom-up construction (top of page 170 in the text)
and show the accepting computations of both PDA's on input (()())().