CSE 321 Assignment #1
Autumn 1998

Due: Friday, October 2, 1998 at the beginning of class.

Reading assignment: Read the text, Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, sections 1.1 - 1.3. The following problems are from the Third Edition of the text.

Practice Problems: Section 1.1, problems 7, 15, 27.


  1. We'd like to quickly learn who you are: Attach a picture containing your current face to the upper right corner of an index card. Write your name in the upper left corner. On the rest of the card write anything else about yourself that you like, especially those things that might make it easier for us to remember you.

  2. Section 1.1, Problem 8, all parts except (d).

  3. Section 1.1, Problem 18 (f)

  4. Section 1.1, Problem 22 (a), (c).

  5. Section 1.1, Problem 28.

  6. (Bonus) Section 1.1, Problem 26.

  7. (Bonus) Show how to swap the contents of two n-bit registers using no extra storage and only the bit operators AND, OR, and XOR. For example, if register 1 contains X and register 2 contains Y, then you can perform the bitwise XOR of X and Y and store the result in register 1. After this, the contents of register 1 is X XOR Y and the contents of register 2 is Y.