CSE 321: Discrete Structures
Autumn 1997

Paul Beame

TA: Erik Vee

Communication with the instructor and TA by email is encouraged. You may attend either of the quiz sections.

Text Book

The text for the course is Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications. The Third Edition of the text will be used. The Second Edition is very close but the exercises differ somewhat between the second and third editions of the text, so you will need to consult the third edition to make sure that you are solving the appropriate problems.


The course grade will be based on homework, a midterm, and a final exam. The approximate weighting of the three components is 40-50% Homework, 15-25% midterm and 30-40% final exam.


Homework is intended to be a major portion of the course. Assignments will be due weekly, usually on Friday. It is expected that homework solutions represent original work.

Course Web:

All the CSE 321 handouts will be available on the department's course web: Document URL http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses/321. The subdirectories contain copies of handouts from previous offerings of the course (including old exams).


To provide an introduction to the formal methods and concepts used in Computer Science.


Chapters 1-7 will be covered. The main topics will be logic (1.1-1.3), the integers (2.3), methods of proof (3.1-3.3), counting and probability (4.1-4.5), relations (6.1-6.4), and graph theory (7.1-7.5,7.7-7.8).

Final Exam

Friday 12 December 8:30-10:20 in class

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