[CSE321] Problem Set 6, #7

From: davidday@u.washington.edu
Date: Mon May 17 2004 - 09:29:48 PDT

  • Next message: Nintendo: "[Cse321] Re : Mail Delivery (failure nintendo@noa.nintendo.com)"
    I'd like some clarification on how the game is played. Can you play multiple "hands," or is it a one-hand only game? If so, is it similar to blackjack, where each hand comes from the original deck, until the deck empties (none of the cards are re-shuffled), or are all the cards (face down and face up) shuffled before each hand?
    Cse321 mailing list

  • Next message: Nintendo: "[Cse321] Re : Mail Delivery (failure nintendo@noa.nintendo.com)"

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