CSE 321: Discrete Structures
Assignment #2
January 10, 2001
Due: Wednesday, January 17
Reading Assignment: Rosen, Sections 1.6, 2.3-2.5
- 1.
- Section 1.3, exercise 6, parts b and c.
- 2.
- Section 1.3, exercise 10, parts b and d.
- 3.
- Section 1.3, exercise 12, parts f, i and j.
- 4.
- Give the negation of each of the following statements:
- All good students study hard.
- No males give birth to their young.
- No students in mathematics are unable to use a computer.

- 5.
- Let Q(A,B) be the statement
If the universe
of discourse for both A and B is all sets of integers, what are
the truth values of the following? Justify your answers.
- 6.
- Which of the following statements are true?
- 7.
- Carefully prove the following statements:
- 8.
- Section 1.5, exercise 38.
- 9.
- Extra Credit: Fuzzy logic and fuzzy sets.
- Section 1.1, exercise 32
- Section 1.5, exercise 50
Dieter Fox