
Course Prerequisites

The prerequisites for this course are CSE 311 and MATH 126. Here is a quick rundown of some of the mathematical tools we’ll be using in this class: calculus (basic integration and differentiation), an understanding of the basics of set theory (subsets, complements, unions, intersections, cardinality, etc.), familiarity with basic proof techniques (eg., induction), and potentially some linear algebra (basic operations on vectors and matrices).

Course Goals

By the end of this course, you will be able to:


Grades will be based off homework assignments, concept checks, section participation, a midterm, and a final.


There will be approximately six week-long homeworks. There will not be a homework due during the week of the midterm or the final.

Homeworks are both a chance for you to improve your understanding and for us to evaluate how well you understand the material. For that reason, although you are encouraged to discuss the problems with one another, you must still write up solutions on your own. More details are included in the collaboration policy.

At the end of the quarter, we will add together all points you earned on the homeworks and divide that by the total number of points possible to get your homework average.

See here for more details about homeworks.

Concept Checks

What are they? For each lecture, there will be a small gradescope quiz reviewing the concepts covered in that lecture. You can submit your answers as many times as you want; we will only grade the final submission. Correct answers will reveal the answer explanation; all other answers will not, so you can keep trying until you see the answer explanation. The material in this course builds on itself quickly: concept checks are a good way for you to detect misconceptions and ask questions early. Concept checks are released within 60 minutes after each lecture and are due before the next lecture. For example, a concept check released on Wednesday will be due Friday 12pm, and a concept check released on Friday will be due on Monday at 12pm.

How are they graded? Because the goal of concept checks is practice, we count them differently in the gradebook. At the end of the quarter, we will add together your points on all concept checks. Your `average' on concept checks will be min{1, points earned / (.8*points possible)}. That is, getting 80% of the points on concept checks is enough to get full-credit (and you cannot get extra credit by getting a higher score).

Purpose: The goal is to make these assignments a low-stakes way to get quick feedback on what you don't understand.

Please submit each concept check, regardless of how many problems you solve (even if you do none of the problems). If you don’t submit them, you will not be able to look at the solutions afterward for review. If for some reason you forget to make an initial submission, feel free to reach out and we can open it up for you to review the questions and answers.

Section Participation

This course is designed to introduce concepts in lectures and give you practice with them in sections. As a result, trying the problems associated with each section is extremely important for success in the course.

Each week, TAs will record everyone who came to section and participated. "Particpated" doesn't mean you ever have to get questions correct, or even say something out loud for the whole class. It means you're working on the problems, listening, and/or working with those around you.

You are expected to attend the section which you are officially registered for. If you cannot attend your section for a specific week, you may attend another with permission of the section's TAs.

If you cannot attend any section in-person, you may do the section problems on your own and submit them to a TA for credit. Each week, the problems to do will be posted on the course calendar for the day of the section. Attempts at the problems must be written and emailed to the TA(s) for your section by Sunday at 11:59 PM following the section. More logistical details will be posted on Ed.

There are 7 sections during the quarter. Your section participation grade will be: min(6,number-participated)/7. I.e., you can miss one section without penalty (and without doing the replacement problems), but you do not get extra credit for participating in more than 6.

Exams (Midterm and Final)

We will have an in-person midterm (July 22) and final (August 15).

Makeup Opportunity

In the last week of classes, we will offer a chance to makeup points on the midterm. This will involve taking a timed Canvas or Gradescope quiz. Collaboration is not allowed for this assignment, and no help will be given in office hours Similar to extra credit, these points will only be added to your midterm grade after final grade breaks are set, so not doing this assignment will not negatively impact your grade in any way. More details will be posted closer to when this is released.

Regrade Requests

The course staff is made up of people, that means we sometimes make mistakes! When those mistakes happen in grading, we want to correct them.

Regrade timing

Regrade appeals

Assigning course grades

Your course average will be a combination of your scores on the homeworks and exams. We will weight those categories as follows (these are ranges - the exact weights will be decided at the end of the quarter):

There might be a chance for extra credit during the quarter. If extra credit is offered, it will be incorporated after we have set the grade breaks according to the weights above. Extra credit has a minimal effect on grades (changing GPAs by 0.1 or less).

Students often wonder whether the class is "curved." For example, whether the median course grade must be some specified value, or if we have a maximum amount of "good" grades we can assign. We do not "curve" in either of these senses. We do, though, look at the performance of students this quarter relative to other quarters (especially where homework problems were similar) to try to keep grades consistent between different quarters (that is that similar levels of understanding of the content would lead to similar grades). This process means that before we have collected all the grades, we don't know exactly where gradebreaks will be.

Grade guarantees

In order to give you a sense of how you are doing during the quarter, we offer the following minimum guarantees. That is, if your course average (calculated as descrbed above) meets these thresholds, we guarantee that you will get a GPA of the grade shown or higher. These guarantees are intended to give you a simple way to interpret how you are doing throughout the quarter; we will still decide at the end of the quarter on exact grade breaks as described above. In the event that exams or homeworks (or both) turn out more difficult than intended, we may make grades higher than indicated here, but we will not make them less generous.

Course Grade GPA guarantee

Late Policy


You will have sevent late days to use during the quarter for homework assignments. A late day allows you to turn in an assignment up to 24 hours later without penalty. Simply submit late and we will keep track of your usage internally.

Regardless of how many late days you have, you cannot submit an assignment more than 48 hours after it is due without prior permission from course staff. The reason for this is so that we can get all submissions in at a reasonable time so we can release grades at least 24 hours before the next homework is due.

For example, an assignment due at 11:59 PM on Wednesday could be turned in at 10 PM on Friday with no penalty by using two late days. However, you cannot submit at 12:01 AM Saturday as it would be more than 48 hours.

If you run out of late days, you may still turn in an assignment late, at a penalty of 10% per day (but still may not turn in an assignment after the 48-hour-late-deadline without prior permission from the course staff).

Late days are designed to handle the “normal” difficulties in a quarter (e.g. prioritizing different courses, fundraising for an RSO, a minor cold, or attending a relative’s birthday dinner). If your situation goes beyond those “normal” circumstances, you should contact the course staff as early as you can. Depending on the situation, extra late days, dropping assignments, or other accommodations may be appropriate. The earlier you contact us, the more options we will have available.

Academic Integrity

We want to make sure that you fully understand and internalize the approach to the materials. So, we take academic integrity very seriously. We may refer violations of our policies to the Office of Academic Affairs.


You are allowed (and encouraged!) to discuss homework problems with other students, as long as you:

If you are confused as to whether or not some collaboration is allowed, ask us! No set of rules will be completely exhaustive.

If something weird happens, please tell us too! We will not consider any action to be a violation of the academic integrity policy if you tell us about it before turning in the assignment.

Resources Outside of CSE 312

You are strongly encouraged to seek out resources beyond official course resources, with the following caveats:


What happened?Is it a violation?
When searching for general information, you accidentally find the exact question we asked. You tell the staff, and provide a link to what you found. Not a violation!
We’ll say thanks for letting us know and make sure you didn’t plagiarize. There won’t be a penalty but only a warm, fuzzy feeling.
You and a friend separately write up solutions, then compare. Your friend suggests that your conclusion is a little unclear. You formulate a new conclusion on the Zoom call together. Violation!
That is no longer your individual writeup.
You and a friend separately write up solutions, then compare. Your friend suggests changing a permutation to a combination in your final answer. You wait 30 minutes, then return to your writeup, decide the changes would be improvements, and incorporate them.Not a violation!
Minor rewordings and technical changes done by you after discussion (and a break!) are fine. The writeup is still substantially yours.
You find a textbook with sample solutions to similar problems. You see that they like to introduce variables with “Consider” and use “hence” instead of “because.” You copy these words, because they seem cooler.Not a violation!
Single words or stock phrases are things you can learn from. It is not a violation to emulate style (but “hence” is a little archaic).

Course Tools


Zoom is how meetings that must be virtual will be delivered. That includes at least some office hours throughout the quarter. You can find meeting IDs in a pinned post on the Ed discussion board.

Office Hours: You can attend any Office Hours, not just the ones held by the TA who teaches your section. They do get busier closer to deadlines, so it is better to attend them early and throughout the week.

Zoom meetings will be restricted to accounts logged in with email addresses. If you have trouble joining a meeting, make sure you choose the “Sign in with SSO” option.


Ed is our discussion board and the right place to ask any questions about the course.

We will happily answer questions from lecture or about general concepts. We also will answer clarifications about homework (e.g. correcting typos). Students are encouraged to answer each other’s questions on the message board as well.

If you have a question that might reveal your approach or the solution to a homework problem, you must ask the question privately. For accommodations and other private questions, you can ask privately on Ed or email the instructor. Only you and the course staff can see a private question on Ed.


Gradescope is the tool to turn in completed assignments. After grading, you can also find our feedback there and submit regrade requests if needed.

You will get an automatic email with account setup instructions before Concept Check 1 is due.


We will not be consistently updating canvas. Information on canvas may be partial or inaccurate for large portions of the quarter, you should not rely on it for this course. We may use canvas's gradebook at the end of the quarter, but we will announce which information should be relied on and when.

Use of ChatGPT and AI Tools

You may not use any AI tools to solve homework problems or to write your answers. All work submitted must be your own. Using AI tools to solve and write answers to homework problems may be considered a violation of academic integrity. From my personal testing, ChatGPT has proven to be unreliable for many CSE 312 problems, so I also don't think it will be to helpful or reliable with solving those questions :) However, you may use ChatGPT as a tool for their own learning by using it for explaining concepts at a high level or generating practice problems if you find that helpful.

Pandemic and Health Policies

While the course of the pandemic has improved, we still are prepared to adapt to health issues (both individual and broader).

What happens if I get sick?

Remember to follow the university policies (which include rules on reporting positive tests if you've been on campus, restrictions on when you can return to campus, and some times when masking may be required for you, even if not for everyone).

Late days are intended to handle "normal" issues during the quarter. Additional accommodations (e.g. extra late days or longer extensions on specific assignments) may be possible if you have an extended illness. Contact Claris as soon as possible if your illness is severe or extends for a long period.

We will be recording lectures and posting to panopto so you can keep up/catch back up when you're healthy.

What if I get sick right before an exam?

Don't come to the exam if you're sick! Contact Claris once you know you're too sick to attend, and we'll schedule a makeup exam for when you're ready to return to campus.

If your illness hits for the final, we may utilize other options like remote exams or temporarily giving an incomplete until you're well enough to return and take the exam. We will work with you to decide which accommodation is appropriate to your illness.

What if I'm not sick, but won't be comfortable in a large lecture hall?

Lectures will be recorded; we won't track in-person attendance for lectures.

If you have a health condition (mental or physical) that means you should not be in a large lecture hall, you should contact DRS (see Accomodations) to investigate accommodations.

What happens if a staff member gets sick?

Depending on who is sick (and how sick they are) we may find a substitute or convert an in-person meeting to zoom. In extreme circumstances, we may cancel a section or office hour, but we do not expect that to be common. Any such changes will be announced via Ed.

If Claris has an extended illness, we may switch to zoom lectures for a short time.

We are doing our best to learn and teach during a pandemic. But we are still in a pandemic! If unforeseen circumstances arise during the quarter, please do not hesitate to talk to the course staff. The sooner we are made aware, the more options we will have for designing accommodations. You can also send us anonymous feedback with ideas to improve the course.

Nonetheless, one of the main methods of learning is talking to other students in the course! We strongly encourage you to find study groups you can meet with (remotely or otherwise).

Extenuating Circumstances

We reserve the right to modify the syllabus if extenuating circumstances prevent us from delivering the course as planned. (For example, if a pandemic made it impractical or dangerous to hold an in-person final exam, we might switch to a take-home exam and adjust the weights that go into the course average). If any changes are required we will announce any such changes as far in advance as possible, and will prioritize not negatively impacting students in the event of a change.


If you have, or think you may have, a temporary health condition or permanent disability, contact Disability Resources for Students (DRS) to get started with accommodations. In some prior quarters, DRS has become overwhelmed with new requests and were slow to process them. We strongly recommend reaching out as soon as possible, as we are unable to provide certain accommodations (e.g., extra testing time) except as decided on by DRS. If you need any additional support or if you have any other accessibility concerns, we are always happy to work with you directly or through Disability Resources for Students (DRS) to make sure that the class meets your needs. If you need any adaptations for course materials (large font, pacing, image description, closed captioning, color choices, etc.), just let Claris know.

Washington state law requires that UW develop a policy for accommodation of student absences or significant hardship due to reasons of faith or conscience, or for organized religious activities. The UW policy, including more information about how to request an accommodation, is available at Religious Accommodations Policy. Accommodations must be requested within the first two weeks of this course using the Religious Accommodations Request form.

Your performance in this course should not be affected by circumstances beyond your control. We can still work with you for situations other than the university-wide accommodations. If anything does come up, you should contact the course staff as early as you can.