Welcome to CSE 312 (Foundations of Computing II)! 🎉

This website contains imporant information and materials for the class.

Lecture + OH + Section locations

Lectures are Monday, Wednesday, Friday, from 12-1PM in SMI 205. Find office hour times and locations here.

Textbooks, etc.

There is no required textbook for the course, but you may find these useful:

Getting help + 1-1s with course staff

Have a question or stuck on something? You're in the right place :) First of all, you are in a normal situation! Every single person who has taken this class has had a time when they may have been confused, had a question, or been stuck on a homework question. Being stuck is not the funnest part of learning for most of us, but it is also an essential part of learning! Nevertheless, you do not need to stay stuck -- the course staff is here to assist you in the process of learnings, as are many of your peers! Here's how to get help:
  • The Ed discussion board is where you can post your questions. If you are asking a general question about course logistics or content, please make your post public. This allows other students to benefit from the answer. You can make your post anonymous if you don't wish for other students to see your name. Questions that are specific to your homework solution or about personal details can be addressed through private Ed posts.
  • For sensitive matters, you may directly email Claris.
  • 1-1s with course staff. If you feel like you need extra time, or want to discuss something privately, please feel free to schedule a 1-on-1 with Claris or with a TA! See this Ed post for how to book 1-1s with course staff. We are happy to talk about concept questions and review past homeworks at these meetings, but if you're hoping to discuss the current homework specifically, you should attend regular office hours or ask a private question on Ed. If you'd like to have a 1-1 with Claris, feel free to email her at clarisw@uw.edu and we'll set something up!
A large part of this course is about developing problem-solving intuition. While it may seem convenient to ask the course staff to help you get started or check your solutions, this will not help you in the long run. Instead, tell us what you think first! What have you tried? What, specifically, are you confused about?

Reach out for help, and reach out early! If you have any unforeseen circumstances that arise during the course, please do not hesitate to contact the course staff or the instructor to discuss your situation. The sooner we are made aware, the more easily we can provide accommodations.