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CSE 312: Foundations of Computing II, Winter 2023

Course Staff/Office Hours

In addition to the staff contact information, this page contains the most up-to-date listing of staff office hours.

Here you can find the office hours queue form. Use this if your TA needs to manage the flow of students in office hours.

Office hours will begin on Friday, Jan 6.

Day Time Location Staff
Monday 2:00-3:00pm
Allen (CSE1) 203
Allen 4th Floor Breakout
Allen 4th Floor Breakout
Tuesday 1-2pm
Allen 4th Floor Breakout
Allen 4th Floor Breakout
Allen 3rd Floor Breakout
Wednesday 11am - noon
Allen 5th Floor Breakout
Allen 4th Floor Breakout
Allen 5th Floor Breakout
Allen 5th Floor Breakout
Thursday 1:00-2:00pm
Allen 5th Floor Breakout
Friday 3-4pm
Gates 121
Saturday 1:30-2:30pm
Sunday 1-2pm

For the zoom links, please go to canvas and click on the zoom tab.

  • Anna Karlin (she/her) (Instructor)
  • karlin [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Office Hours: Mondays, 2:00-3:00pm in CSE 203 and 8:00-9:00pm on Zoom

  • Welcome to CSE 312! I'm super excited to be teaching you all this quarter. I've been a professor at UW for a very long time, longer than I like to admit.... My research is in algorithms and algorithmic game theory, with a focus on probabilistic and online algorithms. I love probability! Outside of work and my beloved family, I'm obsessed with tennis and music.
  • Shreya Jayaraman (She/Her) (Head TA)
  • shreyaj [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section AD
  • Office Hours: Tuesdays, 2:00-3:00pm, In-Person (Allen 4th Floor)

  • Hi everyone :) I’m Shreya, a fifth-year BS/MS student studying CS. This will be my 10th quarter TAing, and I’m super excited to be back to teaching 312 this quarter! I’m very interested in CS education, but outside of CS and teaching, I enjoy making playlists, reading manga and traveling. Drop by my office hours or reach out if you need anything or want to chat (course-related or not!) - I’m looking forward to meeting you all this quarter!
  • Tanmay Shah (He/Him) (Head TA)
  • tanmay [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section AH
  • Office Hours: Mondays, 5:00-6:00pm, In-Person (Allen 4th Floor)

  • Hello everyone! I'm Tanmay, a fifth year Masters student in the CS department. When not studying or TAing, you can find me playing badminton, exploring open source software, reading or hiking. I am a musician trained in Indian Classical music and play with a local band. Don't hesitate to drop by my office hours or to say hi if we bump into each other on campus!
  • Nathan Akkaraphab (He/Him) (TA)
  • akkanath [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section AF
  • Office Hours: Thursdays, 1:00-2:00pm, In-Person (Allen 5th floor breakout)

  • Hi everyone! I'm Nathan and I'm a MS student studying Amath. This is my first time TA-ing this class. Outside school, I have been mostly playing video games (OW, Genshin), watching animes, and solving Rubik's cube.
  • Eleos Cogne (He/Him) (TA)
  • tcogne [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section AG
  • Office Hours: Fridays, 3:00-4:00pm, In-Person (Gates 121)

  • HI! I'm Eleos and I'm a junior studying CS from Switzerland.
  • Viraj Goyal (He/Him) (TA)
  • vgoyal55 [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section AC
  • Office Hours: Saturdays, 6:30-7:30pm, on Zoom

  • Hi everyone, I'm Viraj! I'm a sophomore studying Computer Science and Entrepreneurship. I'm super excited to be a TA for CSE 312. Other than computer science and teaching, I love to bike, hike, play fingerstyle guitar, and enjoy time with family and friends. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions!
  • Charles Immendorf (He/Him) (TA)
  • chazi [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section AA
  • Office Hours: Tuesdays, 7:30-8:30pm, on Zoom

  • Hi, I'm Charles, and I'm a CS major minoring in linguistics. I'm excited to be TAing for this class this quarter and to meet all of you!
  • Angela Lee (She/Her) (TA)
  • leeang22 [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section AA

  • Hi, I'm Angela! I'm a transfer student in CS and I'm super excited to be a TA for CSE 312 this quarter! Outside of class, I enjoy hiking, cooking, anime, and puzzles. Looking forward to a great quarter with you all!
  • Zhihao Li (He/Him) (TA)
  • zli7 [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section AD
  • Office Hours: Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00pm, In-Person (Allen 5th Floor)

  • Hi! I’m Zhihao (feel free to call me Leo), a senior majoring in CS and ACMS. This is my first time TAing, so I’m super excited to meet you all. In my spare time, I like to hang out with friends and play video games. Looking forward to spend a great quarter with you!
  • Alex Liu (He/Him) (TA)
  • xllegion [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section AG
  • Office Hours: Mondays, 6:00-7:00pm, TBD

  • Hi! I'm Alex, a CS/ACMS double major student. Other than computer science, I play Go, board games,and 4X video games. I'm excited to TA for CSE312!
  • Melissa Mitchell (She/Her) (TA)
  • mcm08 [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section AB
  • Office Hours: Tuesdays, 5:00-6:00pm, In-Person (Allen 3rd Floor)

  • Hi! I’m Melissa, a junior studying CS with a minor in math. I took CSE 312 with Anna Karlin in autumn 2021 and enjoyed it a lot — super excited to be a TA for this class. My hobbies include bouldering, music, skiing, and reading. Looking forward to meeting you! All the best this quarter!
  • Khanh Nguyen (He/Him) (TA)
  • nbnkhanh [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section AB
  • Office Hours: Wednesdays, 2:30-3:30pm, In-Person (Allen 4th Floor)

  • Hello! My name is Khanh (pronounced the same as Khan) and I'm a senior majoring in CS. I grew up in Vietnam and came to the US 4 years ago. Outside of classes, I enjoy hanging out with friends, traveling, and swimming. CSE 312 is one of my favorite courses so I hope all of you enjoy it as well! Feel free to reach out if you need anything.
  • Edward Qin (He/Him) (TA)
  • edwardcq [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section AG
  • Office Hours: Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30pm, on Zoom

  • Hello, I’m Edward! I’m a sophomore studying CS. I enjoyed taking 312 because of all the cool applications it exposes you to, and I hope you will also enjoy the class! Outside of CS, I enjoy playing the cello. I look forward to a great quarter with you all!
  • Emily My-Hien Robinson (She/Her) (TA)
  • emilyr35 [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section AF
  • Office Hours: Wednesdays, 11:00am-noon, In-Person (Allen 5th Floor)

  • Hi! My name is Emily and I am a current computer science and math sophomore from Issaquah, Washington. 312 was one of my favorite classes that I’ve taken, so I’m super excited for the opportunity to teach it. When I’m not in class or studying, I like to bike around Seattle as a way to try new food! I also like to get outside by hiking, swimming, and paddle boarding. I can’t wait for a great quarter with all of you!
  • Matthew Shang (He/Him) (TA)
  • mshang [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section AC
  • Office Hours: Mondays, 4:30-5:30pm, In-Person (Allen 5th Floor)

  • Hi! I'm a junior studying CS and math and am excited to TA 312 this quarter. Outside of class, I like cooking, listening to music, and have recently been learning Chinese. Feel free to reach out if you need anything! :)
  • Aman Thukral (He/Him) (TA)
  • athukral [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section AH
  • Office Hours: Sundays, 3:00-4:00pm, on Zoom

  • Hi! I'm Aman and I'm a junior majoring in Computer Engineering and (hopefully) minoring in Math. I'm from India and I love watching movies and writing when I'm not in lectures. I took CSE 312 in Spring 2022, and I had a great time! I'm excited to meet you all and I hope you have a great quarter in CSE 312!
  • Judy Tian (She/Her) (TA)
  • yuxin6 [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section AA
  • Office Hours: Saturdays, 1:30-2:30pm, on Zoom

  • Hello, my name is Judy. I am a senior majoring in CSE and ACMS - Data Science & Statistics track. I’m super glad to be a TA for CSE312 this quarter. During my free time, I’d like listening to music, watching video game streaming, hiking, and currently I’m learning Korean. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
  • Claris Winston (She/Her) (TA)
  • clarisw [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section AE
  • Office Hours: Tuesdays, 1:00-2:00pm, In-Person (Allen 4th Floor)

  • Hi everyone! I'm Claris, and I'm a junior majoring in computer science. Outside of school, I enjoy gymnastics, drawing, playing piano, and composing music. I also love baking sweet treats and cake decorating! Looking forward to a great quarter with you all!
  • Scott Hai Wynn (He/Him) (TA)
  • scotthw [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section AE
  • Office Hours: Sundays, 1:00-2:00pm, on Zoom

  • Hi! I'm Scott, I'm a sophomore majoring in CS, AMATH, and MATH. In my spare time, I generally find myself walking, gaming, or trying to wrap my head around something interesting. I love mathematics and theoretical CS, and I'm excited to TA for 312 this quarter!