Date | Description |
January 3 |
Overview; Counting: product rule Reading: BT 1.1, 1.2, 1.6, Intro to Schnapsen, Rules of Schnapsen Notes, HW1 LaTeX source |
January 5 |
Counting: permutations Reading: Safety First (Schnapsen analysis) Trick mechanics, Notes |
January 8 |
Counting: combinations, complementing Notes |
January 10 |
Counting: Inclusion-exclusion, pigeonhole principle; intro to probability Reading: BT 1.3 Notes |
January 12 |
Equally likely outcomes Notes, HW2 LaTeX source |
January 17 |
Conditional probability, Law of Total Probability Reading: BT 1.5 Notes |
January 19 |
Bayes' Theorem Reading: BT 1.4 Notes, HW3 LaTeX source |
January 22 |
Independent events Reading: BT 2.1-2.3 Notes |
January 24 |
Random variables, expectation, geometric random variable Reading: BT 2.4, Expected Game Points, last year's exercise Notes |
January 26 |
Naive Bayes classifier Reading: Naive Bayes notes Slides (PDF, PPTX), Notes, HW4 LaTeX source |
January 29 |
Linearity of expectation Reading: BT 2.7 Notes |
January 31 |
Variance Notes |
February 2 |
Independent random variables; uniform, Bernoulli, and binomial distributions Notes |
February 5 |
Error-correcting codes, Poisson distribution Reading: BT 3.1-3.2 Slide pack 6 slides 67-80, general Hamming code, HW5 LaTeX source |
February 9 |
Continuous random variables; uniform distribution Reading: BT 3.3 Notes |
February 12 |
Exponential distributions Reading: BT 7.4 Notes, HW6 LaTeX source |
February 14 |
Normal distribution, Central Limit Theorem Slide pack 7, slides 20-33, Demo |
February 16 |
Approximating binomial via Central Limit Theorem, continuity correction Reading: BT 7.1 Slide pack 10, slides 30-42 |
February 21 |
Central Limit Theorem example, Markov inequality Reading: BT 7.2, 7.5 Notes, HW7 LaTeX source |
February 23 |
Chebyshev and Chernoff inequalities, law of large numbers Reading: Maximum likelihood estimators Notes |
February 26 |
Maximum likelihood estimators Reading: Bias and confidence intervals Notes |
February 28 |
Maximum likelihood estimators for normal distribution; bias Notes, HW8 LaTeX source |
March 2 |
Confidence intervals Notes |
March 5 |
Probabilistic algorithms: Quicksort, matrix multiplication Freivalds' algorithm, Notes |
March 7 |
Probabilistic minimum cut algorithm Notes |
March 9 |
HW8 solutions, review, wrap-up Notes |