Course Web: Contact information for instructor and teaching assistants, calendar, handouts, an archive of all mail sent to the class mailing list, and discussion board will be available on the course web at
Overload Requests: For students who were not yet able to register because the course is full, complete the overload request form.
Textbook (required): Dimitri P. Bertsekas and John N. Tsitsiklis, Introduction to Probability, First Edition, Athena Scientific, 2000, available free online at We are likely to cover material from Chapters 1-5 and 7. In addition, we will cover some statistics material not in this textbook. Most of the material can also be found by following the link "Slides from previous quarter" on the course web.
Reference (optional): Kenneth H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Seventh Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2012. If you already own a copy from CSE 311, keep it for reference. Some students have said they like its coverage of counting (Chapters 6 and 8) and discrete probability (Chapter 7).
Reading Assignments and Homework: Reading assignments and homework will be found in the Calendar on the course web. You must use Gradescope to upload your homework solutions. You have been enrolled in the CSE 312 Gradescope roster with your email. If you haven't set your Gradescope password using your email, go here.
For each homework assignment, you will submit a single PDF file containing your solutions to all the exercises in the homework. You may typeset your solutions on a computer or you can handwrite them, take a photo of (or scan) each handwritten page, and convert the photos into a single PDF file. You are responsible for making sure that your solution is easily readable; for example, use good lighting so that the contrast of your photos is good. Popular choices for typesetting mathematics are Microsoft Word, which has the option to save as PDF, and LaTeX (tutorials by Kathleen Tuite and Adam Blank).
Grading, Late Policy, and Regrades: The course grade will be based on approximately 8 homework assignments (50%), a midterm exam (20%), and a final exam (30%). Percentages are approximate. Late homework assignments will be accepted (but penalized 25%) up to 48 hours after the due date-and-time, and not accepted thereafter, barring major emergencies. If you believe a mistake was made grading your homework, initiate a regrade request via Gradescope explaining the mistake you believe was made. But before you do that, you must ensure that you understand the grader's comments and the correct answer.
Policy on Collaboration: You are to complete homework assignments individually. You may discuss the assignment in general terms with other students, including a discussion of how to approach the problem, but the solution you write must be your own. The intent is to allow you to have helpful brainstorming sessions when you are stuck, but this help should be limited and should never involve details of how to solve the problem. A good rule of thumb is that you should never carry away anything written from one of these brainstorming sessions: if you cannot recreate the solution on your own later, then you do not truly understand the solution and you have received too much help from your collaborator. You must abide by the following rules:
Mailing List and Discussion Board: The class mailing list is cse312a_au17{at} Instructions for subscribing to the class mailing list can be found on the course web. The course web also contains an archive of all mail sent to this list. We will use the list for announcements of general interest to the class. Students should feel free to use the Discussion Board (linked from the main course web page) to ask questions, post information (though, of course, not hints of homework solutions), or initiate discussions of general interest to the class. The instructor and TAs are subscribed to the mailing list and the discussion board. Questions or comments that are not of general interest to the class should instead be directed to a TA or instructor at the addresses on the main course web page.
Special Accommodations: If you would like to request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact Disabled Student Services, 448 Schmitz, 543-8924 (V/TDD). If you already have a letter from Disabled Student Services indicating you have a disability that requires academic accommodations, please let the instructor know so we can discuss the appropriate accommodations.