This website will be the main source of information about the course. However, we will also use the following web pages:
The following sections contain additional materials that may be helpful during the course.
Concise notes on important topics covered during the course:
Longer discussions with helpful information on course topics:
Students are not required to type their homework solutions. However, solutions are required to be legible, and typesetting is one way to ensure that they are easy to read. However, students should be warned that the software is not always easy to use. In the past, some students have spent several hours trying to make their solution look the way they want, which is neither necessary nor advisable.
LaTeX is the standard tool for typesetting mathematical materials. While it takes some time to learn, it will likely pay for itself in the long run. LaTeX math notation is also supported in some places outside of LaTeX documents, such as on the message board.
The TAs have prepared this LaTeX template, which might be a helpful starting poing for typesetting your homework if you wish to.
A former CSE 311 instructor, Adam Blank, has provided these documents, which may also be useful:
Note that LaTeX does not need to be installed on a local computer. You can use it in a web browser at the Overleaf website.
Note that LaTeX is not the best tool for every job. In particular, for drawing circuits, finite state machines, and other diagrams, it is often preferable to draw them by hand, take a picture, and include it in the LaTeX document using the \includegraphics{FILE_NAME} command. Furthermore, as noted above, handwritten solutions are allowed for the other parts of homework assignments as well, provided that the writing is easy to read.