

Anjali Agarwal   she/her

Email: anjalia

About: Hi, I'm Anjali! I'm a CS graduate student here at the Allen School. During my free time, I love playing board games, watching Hindi movies, and learning new math concepts (3Blue1Brown, anyone?). CSE 311 is one of my favorite courses, and I hope you find it as enjoyable as I do. If you ever have any questions or simply want to chat, feel free to stop by my office hours or catch up with me after lectures. I really look forward to meeting you 😁.

Teaching Assistants

Cade Dillon   he/him

Email: caded19

Section: AA

About: Hey everyone! This is my fourth quarter TA'ing in the Allen School but first time TA'ing CSE311 so I'm looking forward to a new challenge. I like studying all things mathematics and philosophy, and in my free time I'm usually training to improve as a hand-balancer/contortionist, reading novels, or playing Dungeons and Dragons with my friends. Feel free to come to OH and ask about anything!

Robert Stevens   he/him

Email: rsteve2

Section: AA

About: Hi, I'm Robert! I'm a junior in CS and math and I'm excited to be TAing 311 for my 2nd quarter. I'm interested in algorithms, probability, and analysis. Feel free to ask me anything about math, hiking, video games, or being a transfer student!