CSE 311 Lecture 04:
Boolean Algebra

Emina Torlak and Kevin Zatloukal


Equivalence and proofs
A brief review of Lecture 03.
Boolean algebra
A notation for combinational circuits.
Simplification and proofs
Optimizing circuits and proving theorems.

Equivalence and proofs

A brief review of Lecture 03.

Equivalence via truth tables and proofs

$A \equiv B$ is an assertion that two propositions $A$ and $B$ have the same truth values in all possible cases.

$A \equiv B$ and $\underbrace{(A \leftrightarrow B) \equiv \mathsf{T}}_\mathsf{tautology}$ have the same meaning.

Checking equivalence has many real-world applications.
Verification, optimization, and more!
There are two ways to check equivalence of propositional formulas.
Brute-force: compare their truth tables.
Proof-based: apply equivalences to transform one into the other.

Boolean algebra

A notation for combinational circuits.

Recall the relationship between logic and circuits …

Digital circuits implement propositional logic:

  • $\mathsf{T}$ corresponds to 1 or high voltage.
  • $\mathsf{F}$ corresponds to 0 or low voltage.

Digital circuits are functions that

  • take values 0/1 as inputs and produce 0/1 as output;
  • $\mathit{out} = F(\mathit{input})$, where $F$ is built out of wires and gates; and
  • every bit of output is computed from some bits of the input.

We call these types of digital circuits combinational logic circuits. There are other kinds of digital circuits (called sequential circuits) but we’ll focus on combinational circuits in this course.

Boolean algebra is a notation for combinational logic

Think of it as a notation for propositional logic used in circuit design.

Boolean algebra consists of the following elements and operations:

  • a set of elements $B = \{0,1\}$,
  • binary operations $\{ +, \cdot \}$,
  • a unary operation $\{\,^\prime\}$.

These correspond to the truth values $\{\mathsf{F},\mathsf{T}\}$, and the logical connectives $\vee,\wedge,\neg$.

Boolean operations satisfy the following axioms for any $a,b,c\in B$:

$a + b \in B$
$a \cdot b \in B$
$a + b = b + a$
$a \cdot b = b \cdot a$
$a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c$
$ a \cdot (b \cdot c) = (a \cdot b) \cdot c$
$a + (b \cdot c) = (a + b) \cdot (a + c)$
$a \cdot (b + c) = (a \cdot b) + (a \cdot c)$
$a + 0 = a$
$a \cdot 1 = a$
$a + a’ = 1$
$a \cdot a’ = 0$
$a + 1 = 1$
$a \cdot 0 = 0$
$a + a = a$
$a \cdot a = a$
$(a’)’ = a$

Example: from spec to code to logic to circuits

Suppose that we want to compute the number of lectures or sections remaining at the start of a given day of the week.

The function for this computation has the following signature:

  • Inputs: day of the week (integers from 0 to 6), lecture flag (boolean).
  • Output: number of sessions left (integer from 0 to 3).

Here are some examples of the function’s input/output behavior:

  • Input: (Wednesday, Lecture), Output: 2
  • Input: (Monday, Section), Output: 1

How would you implement this function in Java?

From spec to code

public class Sessions {

    public static int classesLeft(int day, boolean lecture) {
        switch (day) {
            case 0: // SUNDAY
            case 1: // MONDAY
                return lecture ? 3 : 1;
            case 2: // TUESDAY
            case 3: // WEDNESDAY
                return lecture ? 2 : 1;
            case 4: // THURSDAY
                return lecture ? 1 : 1;
            case 5: // FRIDAY
                return lecture ? 1 : 0;
            default: //case 6: // SATURDAY
                return lecture ? 0 : 0;

     public static void main(String []args){
        System.out.println("(W, L) -> " + classesLeft(3,true));
        System.out.println("(M, S) -> " + classesLeft(1,false));

Suppose that we need this function run really fast … To do that, we’ll implement a custom circuit (hardware accelerator!).

From code to combinational logic …

Recall the signature of our function:

  • Inputs: day of the week (integers from 0 to 6), lecture flag (boolean).
  • Output: number of sessions left (integer from 0 to 3).

How many bits for each input/output?

  • Inputs: 3 bits for day of the week, 1 bit for the lecture flag.
  • Output: 2 bits for the number of sessions left.

From code to combinational logic via a truth table

switch (day) {
  case 0: // SUNDAY
  case 1: // MONDAY
      return lecture ? 3 : 1;
  case 2: // TUESDAY
  case 3: // WEDNESDAY
      return lecture ? 2 : 1;
  case 4: // THURSDAY
      return lecture ? 1 : 1;
  case 5: // FRIDAY
      return lecture ? 1 : 0;
  default: // SATURDAY etc.
      return lecture ? 0 : 0;
Day $d_2 d_1 d_0$ $L$ $c_1 c_0$
SUN 000 0 01
SUN 000 1 11
MON 001 0 01
MON 001 1 11
TUE 010 0 01
TUE 010 1 10
WED 011 0 01
WED 011 1 10
THU 100 0 01
THU 100 1 01
FRI 101 0 00
FRI 101 1 01
SAT 110 0 00
SAT 110 1 00
- 111 0 00
- 111 1 00

From code to combinational logic via a truth table: $c_1$

Day $d_2 d_1 d_0$ $L$ $c_1 c_0$
SUN 000 0 01
SUN 000 1 11
MON 001 0 01
MON 001 1 11
TUE 010 0 01
TUE 010 1 10
WED 011 0 01
WED 011 1 10
THU 100 0 01
THU 100 1 01
FRI 101 0 00
FRI 101 1 01
SAT 110 0 00
SAT 110 1 00
- 111 0 00
- 111 1 00

To find an expression for $c_1$, look at the rows where $c_1 = 1$.

  • $d_2d_1d_0$==000 && L==1
  • $d_2d_1d_0$==001 && L==1
  • $d_2d_1d_0$==010 && L==1
  • $d_2d_1d_0$==011 && L==1

Split up the bits of the day to get a formula for each row.

  • $d_2$==0 && $d_1$==0 && $d_0$==0 && L==1
  • $d_2$==0 && $d_1$==0 && $d_0$==1 && L==1
  • $d_2$==0 && $d_1$==1 && $d_0$==0 && L==1
  • $d_2$==0 && $d_1$==1 && $d_0$==1 && L==1

Translate to Boolean algebra to get an expression for $c_1$.

  • $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0’ \cdot L$
  • $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0 \cdot L$
  • $d_2’\cdot d_1\cdot d_0’ \cdot L$
  • $d_2’\cdot d_1\cdot d_0 \cdot L$
$c_1 =\, $ $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0’\cdot L \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0\cdot L \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1\cdot d_0’\cdot L \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1\cdot d_0\cdot L \,$

From code to combinational logic via a truth table: $c_0$

Day $d_2 d_1 d_0$ $L$ $c_1 c_0$
SUN 000 0 01
SUN 000 1 11
MON 001 0 01
MON 001 1 11
TUE 010 0 01
TUE 010 1 10
WED 011 0 01
WED 011 1 10
THU 100 0 01
THU 100 1 01
FRI 101 0 00
FRI 101 1 01
SAT 110 0 00
SAT 110 1 00
- 111 0 00
- 111 1 00
$c_1 =\, $ $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0’\cdot L \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0\cdot L \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1\cdot d_0’\cdot L \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1\cdot d_0\cdot L \,$

Now we repeat this process to get $c_0$.

$c_0 =\, $ $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0’\cdot L’ \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0’\cdot L \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0\cdot L’ \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0\cdot L \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1\cdot d_0’\cdot L’ \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1\cdot d_0\cdot L’ \,+$
  $d_2\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0’\cdot L’ \,+$
  $d_2\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0’\cdot L \,+$
  $d_2\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0\cdot L \,$

From combinational logic to circuits

$c_0 =\, $ $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0’\cdot L’ \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0’\cdot L \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0\cdot L’ \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0\cdot L \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1\cdot d_0’\cdot L’ \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1\cdot d_0\cdot L’ \,+$
  $d_2\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0’\cdot L’ \,+$
  $d_2\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0’\cdot L \,+$
  $d_2\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0\cdot L \,$
$c_1 =\, $ $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0’\cdot L \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0\cdot L \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1\cdot d_0’\cdot L \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1\cdot d_0\cdot L \,$

Here is $c_1$ as a circuit …

What can we do with the logic encoding?

Create hardware implementations!

And perform program verification …

Example: verify that classesLeft returns 3 only if lecture is true.
Check that $c_1 \wedge c_0 \rightarrow L \equiv \mathsf{T}$.
$c_0 =\, $ $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0’\cdot L’ \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0’\cdot L \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0\cdot L’ \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0\cdot L \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1\cdot d_0’\cdot L’ \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1\cdot d_0\cdot L’ \,+$
  $d_2\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0’\cdot L’ \,+$
  $d_2\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0’\cdot L \,+$
  $d_2\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0\cdot L \,$
$c_1 =\, $ $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0’\cdot L \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0\cdot L \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1\cdot d_0’\cdot L \,+$
  $d_2’\cdot d_1\cdot d_0\cdot L \,$
Day $d_2 d_1 d_0$ $L$ $c_1 c_0$
SUN 000 0 01
SUN 000 1 11
MON 001 0 01
MON 001 1 11
TUE 010 0 01
TUE 010 1 10
WED 011 0 01
WED 011 1 10
THU 100 0 01
THU 100 1 01
FRI 101 0 00
FRI 101 1 01
SAT 110 0 00
SAT 110 1 00
- 111 0 00
- 111 1 00

Simplification and proofs

Optimizing circuits and proving theorems.

So far, we’ve used the basics of Boolean algebra …

Boolean algebra consists of the following elements and operations:

  • a set of elements $B = \{0,1\}$,
  • binary operations $\{ +, \cdot \}$,
  • a unary operation $\{\,^\prime\}$.

These correspond to the truth values $\{\mathsf{F},\mathsf{T}\}$, and the logical connectives $\vee,\wedge,\neg$.

Boolean operations satisfy the following axioms for any $a,b,c\in B$:

$a + b \in B$
$a \cdot b \in B$
$a + b = b + a$
$a \cdot b = b \cdot a$
$a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c$
$ a \cdot (b \cdot c) = (a \cdot b) \cdot c$
$a + (b \cdot c) = (a + b) \cdot (a + c)$
$a \cdot (b + c) = (a \cdot b) + (a \cdot c)$
$a + 0 = a$
$a \cdot 1 = a$
$a + a’ = 1$
$a \cdot a’ = 0$
$a + 1 = 1$
$a \cdot 0 = 0$
$a + a = a$
$a \cdot a = a$
$(a’)’ = a$

We can use the basics to prove some useful theorems

$a \cdot b + a \cdot b’ = a$
$(a + b) \cdot (a + b’) = a$
$a + a \cdot b = a$
$a \cdot (a + b) = a$
$(a + b’) \cdot b = a \cdot b$
$(a \cdot b’) + b = a + b$
$(a + b)\cdot (a’ + c) = a \cdot c + a’ \cdot b$
$a \cdot b + a’ \cdot c = (a + c) \cdot (a’ + b)$
$(a \cdot b) + (b \cdot c) + (a’ \cdot c) = a \cdot b + a’ \cdot c$
$(a + b) \cdot (b + c) \cdot (a’ + c) = (a + b) \cdot (a’ + c)$
$(a + b + \ldots)’ = a’ \cdot b’ \cdot \dots$
$(a \cdot b \cdot \ldots)’ = a’ + b’ + \dots$

Example: proving theorems using the axioms


$X \cdot Y + X \cdot Y'$ $=$ $X \cdot (Y + Y') $ Distributivity
$=$ $X \cdot 1 $ Complementarity
$=$ $X $ Identity


$X + X \cdot Y$ $=$ $X \cdot 1 + X \cdot Y $ Identity
$=$ $X \cdot (1 + Y) $ Distributivity
$=$ $X \cdot (Y + 1) $ Commutativity
$=$ $X \cdot 1 $ Null
$=$ $X $ Identity
$a + b \in B$
$a \cdot b \in B$
$a + b = b + a$
$a \cdot b = b \cdot a$
$a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c$
$ a \cdot (b \cdot c) = (a \cdot b) \cdot c$
$a + (b \cdot c) = (a + b) \cdot (a + c)$
$a \cdot (b + c) = (a \cdot b) + (a \cdot c)$
$a + 0 = a$
$a \cdot 1 = a$
$a + a’ = 1$
$a \cdot a’ = 0$
$a + 1 = 1$
$a \cdot 0 = 0$
$a + a = a$
$a \cdot a = a$
$(a’)’ = a$

Example: proving theorems using truth tables

DeMorgan’s law
$(X + Y)’ = X’ \cdot Y’$
NOR is equivalent to AND with inputs complemented
$X$ $Y$ $X’$ $Y’$ $(X+Y)’$ $X’ \cdot Y’$
0 0 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0
DeMorgan’s law
$(X \cdot Y)’ = X’ + Y’$
NAND is equivalent to OR with inputs complemented
$X$ $Y$ $X’$ $Y’$ $(X\cdot Y)’$ $X’ + Y’$
0 0 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 0 0

Example: simplifying (circuits) using Boolean algebra

$c_1$ $=$ $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0’\cdot L + d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0\cdot L + d_2’\cdot d_1\cdot d_0’\cdot L + d_2’\cdot d_1\cdot d_0\cdot L $ (from classesLeft)
$=$ $\ldots $ (HW2)
$=$ $d_2’\cdot L $ (HW2)
$a + b \in B$
$a \cdot b \in B$
$a + b = b + a$
$a \cdot b = b \cdot a$
$a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c$
$ a \cdot (b \cdot c) = (a \cdot b) \cdot c$
$a + (b \cdot c) = (a + b) \cdot (a + c)$
$a \cdot (b + c) = (a \cdot b) + (a \cdot c)$
$a + 0 = a$
$a \cdot 1 = a$
$a + a’ = 1$
$a \cdot a’ = 0$
$a + 1 = 1$
$a \cdot 0 = 0$
$a + a = a$
$a \cdot a = a$
$(a’)’ = a$

Example: simplifying (circuits) using Boolean algebra

$c_1$ $=$ $d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0’\cdot L + d_2’\cdot d_1’\cdot d_0\cdot L + d_2’\cdot d_1\cdot d_0’\cdot L + d_2’\cdot d_1\cdot d_0\cdot L $ (from classesLeft)
$=$ $\ldots $ (HW2)
$=$ $d_2’\cdot L $ (HW2)

Here is the simplified $c_1$ circuit …


Boolean algebra is a notation for combinational circuits.
It consists of elements $\{0,1\}$ and operations $\{ +, \cdot, \,^\prime\}$.
The operations satisfy the axioms of Boolean algebra.
We can translate specs to code to logic and to circuits for
faster implementation in hardware, and
program verification.
We can use axioms of Boolean algebra and truth tables to
prove useful theorems, and
simplify and optimize combinational circuits.