At the end of lecture 1, your instructor typed "history > lecture1-history" into the shell. She then opened lecture1-history in the emacs editor and deleted lines corresponding to earlier sessions. Then she wrote this paragraph, saved the file, and put the result on the website. history is a special "builtin" for the shell; I encourage you to learn more about it. 950 ls 951 unalias ls 952 ls 953 ls 954 ls 955 ls dirA 956 ls dirB 957 ls .. 958 ls ../isdal 959 cd dirA 960 ls 961 pwd 962 cd .. 963 pwd 964 cd .. 965 pwd 966 ls 967 cd .. 968 ls 969 pwd 970 cd .. 971 pwd 972 cd .. 973 pwd 974 ls 975 ls bin 976 cd bin 977 ls 978 ls sed 979 vi test.txt 980 cd 981 pwd 982 ls 983 mkdir cse303 984 ls 985 cd cse303/ 986 ls 987 wget 988 ls 989 emacs 990 vi 991 vi test.txt 992 ls 993 mv lecture1.pptx lecture1bbbbb.pptx 994 man mv 995 exit