CSE 303, Autumn 2009
Homework 4: basic linked list
Due Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 11:30 PM
100 points total
The objective of this assignment is to ensure that you are comfortable
with basic linked list manipulations in C: creating elements on the
heap, linking them together with pointers, freeing space, etc.
There is no motivating problem -- it is simply a set of exercises (like
practicing scales on an instrument). If you haven't done any of
this before, it may not be simple for you; definitely start
early. (And just to be explicit, when this assignment talks about
"the stack" it means the one you are implementing, not the program
stack that the compiler/run-time system/operating system manage.)
- (40 points) Implement a heap-based stack in C. Write a file
stack.c that
- defines a typedef struct
StackNode that contains two fields: an int to store data and a
pointer to a StackNode.
- defines a function StackNode
*push(StackNode *top,int data) that pushes the data onto the
top of the stack and returns a pointer to the new top element.
- defines a function StackNode
*pop(StackNode *top,int *data) that pops the data from the top
of the stack, puts the popped value into data, and returns a pointer to
the new top
- if the underlying memory allocation for StackNode fails, push should return NULL.
- if an attempt is made to pop an empty stack, pop should return NULL.
- The main program reads integer values from stdin
- 0 terminates the
- -1 prints the
top element on the stack and pops the stack (it prints "Popping <x>" where
<x> is the top element of the stack); if the stack is empty, then
"Stack is empty" is
printed and the program continues.
- Any other integer is pushed on the stack (it prints "Pushing <x>" where
<x> is the value being placed on top of the stack); if the
element cannot be pushed, then "Stack
is full" is printed and the program continues.
- All input is guaranteed to be well-formed.
The following figures
show a sequence of the linked lists you create for this program.
The first one shows the state after a -4 and then a 10 is pushed.
The second one then shows a 173 pushed. The third and the fourth
show one pop and then another pop.
- (20 points) Reverse a linked list. In the file reverse.c, write a function Node *reverse(Node *list)
- Node is defined
precisely like StackNode in
the first part -- an int data field and a pointer field to the next
- The reverse function takes a pointer to a list and returns a
pointer to a new list that has the elements in reverse order.
- The original list must be freed.
- The main program accepts integers until a 0 input is found.
- Upon finding a 0, the program prints "The list is:" and then
the original list with each integer on its own line.
- After printing the original list, the program prints "The
reverse of the list is:" and then prints the reverse list with each
integer on its own line.
The following shows a list before it is
reversed, and after it is reversed.
Your program should produce no errors or warnings from gcc -Wall
. In terms of grading, most
of the points will come from the correctness of your programs, although
some points will also come from the style and design and appropriate
simplicity of your code. Do not leak memory -- that is, make sure to
free any memory you can. You should not use a more complex
command or
control structure when a more simple one would achieve the same result.
You should reduce redundancy when reasonable.
- (40 points) Implement an array of stacks, where the stacks
are defined using your program for (1) above. The array is of
fixed size defined by the preprocessor symbol
NUMSTACKS, which can be assumed to be an integer between 2 and
100. Each array element points to a stack, each stack is
initialized as an empty stack.
The main program reads integer values from stdin and uses a slightly
modified version of the above rules:
- -3 terminates the
- -2 indicates that
the following integer indicates which stack is to be manipulated; it is
guaranteed that the number following the -2 is in the range 0 to
- The stack to be manipulated is initialized to 0.
- -1 prints the
top element on the stack and pops the stack (it prints "Stack <y>: Popping <x>"
<x> is the top element of the stack and <y> is the stack
being manipulated); if the stack is empty, then
"Stack <y> is empty"
printed and the program continues.
- Any other integer (not -1, or -2 or -3) is pushed on the stack
(it prints "Stack <y>:
Pushing <x>" where
<x> is the value being placed on top of the stack and <y>
is the stack being manipulated); if the
element cannot be pushed, then "Stack
is full" is printed and the program continues.
- All input is guaranteed to be well-formed.
The following figure below (the stacks are show here vertically instead
of horizontally, as above, but they are no different from those above
internally) shows a data structure that could be created by any of the
following inputs:
- -4 10 -2 2 2009 17 789 54 -3
- -2 0 -4 10 -2 2 2009 17 789 54 -3
- -2 2 2009 17 789 54 -2 0 -4 10 -3
- -2 2 2009 17 -1 789 54 -2 0 17 -1 17 -1 17 -1 18 -1 -4 10 -3
Turn in will be via the dropbox, with a single file hw4.tar.gz containing stack.c,
reverse.c, and stackarray.c.